I'm starting to see too that Norma brass on 9/10 suppliers sites have listed the it as discontinued. Not sure what the deal with that is... the price also ranges from $1.58 to $2.40 per case on the places that claim to be out of stock.
no wsm brass from starline, I'd try some if they had it-- I shoot lots of starline pistol (straight-wall brass) and its good (9mm, 10mm, 357, 44m, 45c) I tried the 6.8spc starline brass and it was not as good as S&B or the old SSA brass (pre-nosler)I have more of a question than reply. Does anyone use Starline brass? I tried it when I got the 6.5 CM. and had good results. All pistol brass is Starline that I shoot. just hear very little about it here.
I had the same problem with 50 338 Edge cases, neck thickness was all over the place, I was just about changing the neck bushing for every case to get anywhere near consistent neck tension, went back to forming 300 Rum cases which were excellent...For Rem cases !!It's the worst inconsistent brass I have ever seen.
not to be a jerk, but I havent seen anything in writing where any brass manufacture guarantees any sort or consistency or tolerances
also here is the description from graffs web page"Due to the packaging and shipping process, case necks are often slightly dinged or bent and need to be rounded up and sized to give proper neck tension. New and/or fired cases must be full-length resized or have the expander ball of the sizing die run through the case neck prior to loading. New, unprimed brass. Imported from Australia. This is not loaded ammunition. " -- doesn't sound anything like "consistent" brass
Heck, they don't even claim to call it "match grade brass" like some of the others, lots of different brands of brass I have gotten has been shorter than saami specs too--- I have seen that peterson has their "hand select match grade brass that they state is within .001" from the factory and with in 1 grain consistency lots"-- they are about the only ones actually putting it in writing, I don't think even Lapua or nosler has anything in writing about consistency
I fully understand your plight as I have wsm rifles too, hard to find quality brass for the wsm right now-- but there seems to be no claims as to consistency from bertram nor graffs on the brass you bought --if you want unconditional/ no questions asked returns, then brownells has 300wsm hornady brass in stock right now --they put it in writing : https://www.brownells.com/aspx/learn/learndetail.aspx?lid=16872
I wouldnt put Nosler even in the same category or sentence with Lapua brass.
When you pay Bertrams premium price you should get premium quality.