A wal-mart costom

400 rounds on a 30-378 barrel sounds low. My buddy got over 1200 thru his 1st barrel. He sold it to some one who used it some more.This was an accumark.
My buddy has a .30-378 and it kicks like a mule, it is great fot shooting 1,000 meters, but its just too big to hunt with. I havent seen him carry it in years. I use a .30-06, I can shoot 100-220 grain bullets. Its accurate, its lighter and it can take down any game in N. America.
Remember you dont need a cannon to hunt with, you just need to be accurate, (practice, practice, practice). Know the anatomy of your game, and pick nothing but a good clean kill shot.
My buddy has a .30-378 and it kicks like a mule, it is great fot shooting 1,000 meters, but its just too big to hunt with. I havent seen him carry it in years. I use a .30-06, I can shoot 100-220 grain bullets. Its accurate, its lighter and it can take down any game in N. America.
Remember you dont need a cannon to hunt with, you just need to be accurate, (practice, practice, practice). Know the anatomy of your game, and pick nothing but a good clean kill shot.

WOW! You excavated this thread big time. :D

Welcome to LRH and enjoy!
I have model 700 LSS in 300RUM, I was interested in a .338 maybe. See, I dont have anything in this 300, except a trigger job and a muzzle break. I dont know if I should get a new .338 laupa or weatherby, or if maybe I should put more money into the 300RUM. Im do reload, I dont shoot match or anything, I do hunt long range (for me 350-700 yards). So I dont know, what are your opinons and thoughts?
Out to a 1,000yards there's really not much you can't do with the 300 Rum in N. America hunting wise and be under-gunned.

As several others have asked what is your intended use of the rifle? Targets, Game? If game what game and reasonably at what ranges.

It's damned easy to read along here and get to thinking you just can't do much of anything with anything smaller than a .338 super mag of some sort, and even easier into talking yourself into the poor house fixing one up or building a custom. Just look at the classifieds here and over at sniper's hide and see the plethora of .338L's and similar which sell on them each year.

Take some time to reflect on what your actual needs, goals, and reasonable possibilities are and let us know and we can do a lot to help, but the more info we have the better advice you are going to get.
You have to wonder just how it is that a thread this old can even be found again!

I need to make a note to look at the date of the OP more often before replying.
Warning! This thread is more than 13 years ago old.
It's likely that no further discussion is required, in which case we recommend starting a new thread. If however you feel your response is required you can still do so.