I'm rebuilding my Cheytac, most likely it will be a .375AM.
I will be using it for hunting, but most shots will be between 1500 and 2500 on targets.
I'm pretty set on not spending over 3K, seems that there is a point of vanishing returns and can't justify much more than that for what I'm doing.
I don't plan on throwing this thing off any cliffs or anything of that nature, I'm sure they're all tough enough for this, so that's doesn't matter much to me.
I'm red/green color blind pretty bad and it's only getting worse, lucky for me, I have between 20/15 and 20/10 vision, but when people talk about color in regard to scopes, I can't tell the difference between any of them. I've read that some of these are much better in that regard, but obviously for me it's no concern.
Clarity and low light performance are my two top priorities.
And for those of you that shoot past 2000, what magnification do you prefer? I've had up to 30x scopes, but naturally they look better turned down. Most of my shooting has been inside 2000, any reason for more than 25x?
I'm open to other options as well.