A stud goat bites the dust!!

I'm in north east Texas.
No goats, antelopes, or pronghorns here. We have close range white tails.
I don't care what it's called, that's an awesome end to an awesome hunt.
Tell her congrats !!
She was spot on.
The next Kendal Jones.
Your video is as close to hunting antelope as I have been this year after being blanked on the draw. Congrats to all involved, but especially to the young lady on superb shooting.
Ok, got a roughed out score........


79-3/8 gross, 78-2/8 net. I'm not an expert, and I was using a small cable for taking measurements so it's a rough score, but I'm sure it's not terribly far off. I figured it was close ha ha!!
I guess a lot of yards in 7 kills means someone can shoot, of course we never count the misses. Less yards would make them a better hunter or huntress imho.
Nicely done!

We drew this year. First time in 6 years. I can't wait for the next 3 weeks to go away!
That will be fun!! What area? Or are you talking up in Montana?
We are in my old stomping grounds in SW MT. They don't taste as good there but I was tired of not drawing. Little easier to hunt with the terrain vs the wheat fields we have been hunting.
Nice. Pronghorn are one of my favorite for sure, right along high country mule deer. Big elk in the high mountains are right up there too.....ah heck I love all of it, can't pick a favorite!!!
Congrats to everyone involved. That's a stud of a buck! Great shot also.
What cartridge? What bullet?
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