A question about throating for High BC Bullets

Red 1

Well-Known Member
Feb 10, 2012
Cental coast Cali
Ok so I have a 260 rem Shilen prefit for a savage, and I'm thinking about having it throated for Berger 140 gr vlds my qustion is will I need to use a long action to chamber this in a repeater or is it evan worth doing for a hunting rifle. Any help would be appreciated.

Rick C.
Ok so I have a 260 rem Shilen prefit for a savage, and I'm thinking about having it throated for Berger 140 gr vlds my qustion is will I need to use a long action to chamber this in a repeater or is it evan worth doing for a hunting rifle. Any help would be appreciated.

Rick C.

I would not throat it until you try it with the burger. If you have to single load it and it wont fit the short action some just extend the mag well.

If you throat it you may not be able to shoot any other bullet style and if it doesen,t like the Burger
you are stuck with a rifle that wont shoot anything very well.

Free bore is not an issue if your chamber is true and you don't over size your brass. In fact some Berger's
like up to .100 thousandths jump to the lands.

I would recommend that you load .020 off the lands to start with and Increase or decrease to find the sweet spot.

J E thanks for the input. I'm trying to pull as much magic out of the of the preverbal box as I can, and any help or input is appreciated.

I have a savage lrh in 7mm. I really wanted to shoot the bergers. I got a load from a friend and in my gun the are at .150 off the lands and I shot a .275" 3shot group @100 this weekend when I went testing. Conversely I shot some HSM trophy gold that were at .090 off, they shot around 2.5"(not impressed). I reseated a few to the above .151 off and the group shrunk to .4

Both loads using the bergers. I also set some of the HSM at .010 off and got good grouping.

I'd leave it and run the seating depth test per bergers manual. It's a sticky somewhere on here too. At least if you can't get it to shoot em you can switch bullets.
Ok. I have a diferent qustion by seating the bullets out with the throat lengthend would I be able to achieve higher velocitys so I wuold have more down range energy. Or should I just rechamber for 260 AI.
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