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A must read, by one of our LRH members

Sbruce and peashooter.

Amen to what you both have posted !!!

Our government is all about the money .

Take alcohol for example . How many people kill themselves and others while driving drunk ??

Why isnt mr Obama trying to BAN ALL alcohol ?? It kills people . Or looking at it thru the politicians eyes why dont they BAN all automobills since they were driving a vehicle when life was taken ?

We need to stand strong right now more than ever !

My wife homeschools my children and I am so thankful that I dont have to worry about my kids school being shot up.(not that we are better than anybody) But it is a blessing and relief to us.

I agree , I would rather all school teachers (mandatory) carry a concealed weapon and be properly trained .

I believe I read where the state of Texas will let the teachers carry at any school that the superintendent okays to carry.

Not trying to hijack your post coy but this topic has been talked about and thought about by all of us more in the last couple of days than ever I would guess .
Got this from my friend, Scott Parks.

...It seems like we once took the issue of "personal responsibility" seriously. Now, we're a knee-jerk society of finger-pointers desperate for scapegoats, each one trussing up his/her soapbox under the thin veil of compassion. We swat at the symptoms forever as the virus itself remains unexamined and unchecked. I remember the scapegoats of my own youth...video games and rock music...the obvious "reasons" for society's ills. (Anyone see those old videos where they destroyed thousands of pinball machines?)

...You'd like to make firearms illegal for the law-abiding? Congratulations. You'll have disarmed tens of millions of responsible citizens, and the black-market will tip its hat to you as the non-law-abiding operate without missing a step

... On this issue, I like the words of Thomas Jefferson, "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."...


Well said.
I do more lurking than posting, but I do have some thoughts here:

1. Obama said he wanted it on his desk by January and - shazam! Feinstein throws it out on Dec 17th, says she was working on it since 2011. Do you think he already knew this? Possibly? This means that they were WAITING for an opportune tragedy of large enough proportions to pull it out and ride the wave of emotions to ram it through. This makes them worse than opportunists - it makes them ghoulish, willing to prey upon the blood of innocents to get what they want. Now since the republicans are no longer conservative and seem to be little more than castrated Roman politicians handing out goodies to the populace, we can only expect them to do the emotional thing.

2. The UN gun ban that Hillary and others were trying to get going - do you see the fienstein bill and this as conjoined twins? You should. But then you should also ask yourself why all the need for this? Somehow, someone has equated your firearms to your balls and your opinion on leadership styles. Which means that the founding fathers were right about the need for the second amendment; it also means that others in the present day recognize why our arms must go and hate that the 2 Am. is in the way.

3. The media is a bunch of attention whores. There was a song back in the 80's that went something like "There's a bubble-headed bleach blonde who comes on at five. She can tell about the plan crash with a gleam in her eye. Its interesting when people die. Give us dirty laundry. Can we film the operation? Is the head dead yet? You know the boys in the newsroom got a running bet. Get the widow on the set, we need dirty laundry." The level of complete immorality from these "people" that seem to latch onto every crisis for viewers is beyond disgraceful. NRA Wayne was right - these people glorify evil for their own ends. They are trash, all of them. Fox included. How can anyone fell that it is right to keep up the reporting 24-7, just keep the emotion running, up to and including the funeral processions of the children? It seems like everyone is using these deaths to serve their ends - no one really cares about the kids. This includes those that are not parents but have gotten uber emotionally wrapped up in all of this like it is some kind of super-reality show - everbody has to play a bit part of some sort or they feel somehow inferior for not being in the group.

4. There has been a couple of responses referencing the Bible. What has been said is true, but I will go a step farther: society has devolved into a baseless brood. We as a society lust for blood and all things that serve our desires, like animals. We will even go into debt to build a big house and get a big TV that can serve and hide our every sinful desire. We have shoved God and Christ to the side because it does not fit into our desires. But the Bible is clear that when this occurs, we get exactly what we want and we are getting it in spades. People ask "where was God in all of this? Why didn't He stop this?" I have asked myself - why would He? We have told Him that we dont want Him around - we even did it before the world at the DNC this last year. What the hell are we thinking? Why should He step in where He is not wanted? The relationship is a two-way street. Don't forget - our founding fathers dedicated this country to the Lord, and He has blessed us greatly, but we have turned away, and we really are in a position where we dont know right from wrong, just like Nineveh. Just like Israel, why would He stay with us? They actually got the point of killing their own children on metal idols that were heated red hot. We abort them, some very late as they are coming out of the womb and would be able to live on thier own. Yet if you hit a pregnant woman with a car you get two counts of homicide. It all makes no sense. You want your country back where it was - we had all better get back to following Christ, quit with the blood lust, stop trying to screw everything that isn't tied down, discpline ourselves and fight for what is right.

5. I have been to Africa and Asia repeatedly on mission trips and in the areas I go to some are quite unfriendly toward Christians. One the local pastors we were supporting was killed in a brutal manner recently. I bring this up because of the point I made above. If you think it is bad here now - if it continues down the path we are on religious tolerance of any kind (and any desire to acknowledge right and wrong) will be a thing of the past. If we have no religious underpinnings we will be a terrible society indeed - what else do we really anchor ourselves to that will guide our actions? Maybe our desires? We are already there and you can see where that is getting us. I have seen the end result and it is not anything you want your children living in.

This is long I know, but I had to say it as frankly as I can. It isn't the guns, the gun owners, or the non-gun owners - it is US - we the people. WE ARE WHAT IS WRONG.

tlk, I can understand some of your post but must say, when you say; "we are what is wrong" you might want to speak for yourself. That or explain your self better.

When over 50% of the population are good hard working God fearing people, but they are wrongly influenced by Media, political babble and the misleading spin that is strewn about all over the airwaves. Perpetuating disdain among the people, then may-be we are the problem for the masses don't see thru this BS.

But I believe that if truth/facts are given and political motives are set aside, we would start down the correct path again, start by removing the term political correctness from our language so we can actually call a spade a spade with-out offending the NAACP, AARP, BBC or FIOCH.

But the politics of control won't allow it, only the most self centered and self interested people run for political offices. And if a quality person runs they are demonized by the opponent, and the media, if there ideas don't suit the desires of the influential class. The sheep believe what they are spoon fed.(the PROBLEM)

The other problem is every human has visions of "how it was 20 years ago" well with age comes vision and the realization that this world is actually a ****** place. But with our rose colored glasses of youth we seem to think everything was great and is now progressing downhill. Problem is these battles were being fought since the beginning of time.
Here is my take on the upcoming gun ban; you need to wait 2 years. Obama already knows the republican controlled house will not fold lightly on this issue, so anything that passes will be watered down similar to the Clinton era ban which did nothing and also had an expiration date.

Obama and the dems will continue to make republicans look bad thru there support of the; rich, the gun lobby, corporate favoritism ect. Demonizing the party of "doom" with the help of the socialist media outlets. Blaming the economy on Bush and the current republicans in the house as road blockers to prosperity.

At the next election cycle (2 years) you will see an all out onslaught for control of the House of Reps. Obama knows now that if he takes control of the 3 branches he can pass an all encompassing gun control the likes of which we can not even dream up. At her advanced age even Fienstein will gush in an orgasmic frenzy as she watches over the Presidents shoulder as he signs the legislation she hasn't even had the nerve to dream up yet.

In 2 years we can all reread this and either call me a visionary genius or an idiot. I hope like hell you all call me an Idiot.
Coyboy, I dont disagree with your assessment. My response was getting entirely too long to keep going. When I say 'we' I mean we as a whole society. Even the majority of the God-fearing are allowing the wrongs and not standing up for what is right. We all do it. We are loosing our rights because we evidently are afraid to stand up for what we believe in, preferring to just "go along to get along".

Yes, IF politics weren't politics and it was honest, it wouldn't be called politics.

You bring up a base issue: people want to be spoon fed. Where does this come from? And how do you put that genie back in the bottle? When you say we are wrongly influenced, that is a mouthful in and of itself. How can anyone be influenced if they choose not to be? Likewise, how can the willingly ignorant not help but be so?

To say that I am concerned for our country is a massive understatement.
It comes from laziness, people are too self absorbed with their lives to generally care about or seek the truth about issues. Thus they believe the background noise and chanting from the talking heads.
Here is my take on the upcoming gun ban; you need to wait 2 years. Obama already knows the republican controlled house will not fold lightly on this issue, so anything that passes will be watered down similar to the Clinton era ban which did nothing and also had an expiration date.

Obama and the dems will continue to make republicans look bad thru there support of the; rich, the gun lobby, corporate favoritism ect. Demonizing the party of "doom" with the help of the socialist media outlets. Blaming the economy on Bush and the current republicans in the house as road blockers to prosperity.

At the next election cycle (2 years) you will see an all out onslaught for control of the House of Reps. Obama knows now that if he takes control of the 3 branches he can pass an all encompassing gun control the likes of which we can not even dream up. At her advanced age even Fienstein will gush in an orgasmic frenzy as she watches over the Presidents shoulder as he signs the legislation she hasn't even had the nerve to dream up yet.

In 2 years we can all reread this and either call me a visionary genius or an idiot. I hope like hell you all call me an Idiot.
I'm with you on that, another one of those this I hope to hell I'm wrong about this too.
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