A-Max vs. MatchKing

Brent, good question with the 100yds zero, tripled checked the info cause I couldn't believe there was that much of a difference. The big test was to shoot all the different bullets on the same day at the same distance and measure the drop. The loads were chronographed and all were within 50fps of each other- I consider that the same speed.

The results were that the poly tipped bullets flew flatter then the HP designs and that the SST was the flattest of them all. If you put the bullets side by side, the SST is the longest followed by the AMax/BT, then the J4. 165 and 168gr bullets.

Repeated the test, in part, with two other rifles just to compare. For small to mid size cases in 30cal, the poly tipped bullets just rock. Now, if we could convince them to make 190gr and heavier poly tipped match bullets, Sierra look out.

Also, the 155gr AMax proved to be the sleeper bullet. Flies 100 to 200fps faster, flatter and equally accurate. Wouldn't be my first choice for LR hunting but for LR varminting/clay shooting, a great bullet.

Sheldon, you are right that BC is such an important marketing factor. I would think that they would want to publish the results. It would be like Chev not telling how much horsepower their Corvette makes because it is higher then a competitive car.

I would not want them to exaggerate but a 25% real world increase in BC over a softpoint is big news. Would increase sales, drive more research and create better bullets. Sounds good to me...

I am with you 100 percent, The day Hornady makes a 225 A-max is the day you see 80 percent of the 220-240 MK market share go bye bye.
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