A-max for hunting?

Used a 178Amax last year with good results.

I use A-Max on game that has a semi hard exterior such as a deer hide, coyote and such. For something that is over 200 pounds and known to be hard to stop, I use soft points. They seem to penetrate almost twice the distance before expanding. But I've killed many coyotes and deer with A-Max. It's my go to bullet for my 223 and 243wssm. My 300 Win Mag I use soft points.
I have used AMAX in 308 and 7 rem mag alot on deer, pigs, and goats. As long as they we hit good they died very fast. Even when hit bad like a running shot in the rear they always went down.
Thus far I have had very good luck with the A-max. I shoot the 178gr out of my .308 at 2780fps. Using this load this year I have taken an antelope at 350yds and a mule deer buck at 397yds. Both were double lung complete pass through shots. The antelope ran about 30yds before dropping dead and the mule deer took two steps and fell over. Both were very quick humane kills with a good wound channel. I have attached pics of the exit wounds.


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