A farmer with some sheep.


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2024
Atlanta, Georgia
A farmer was standing in his yard. A young man drove up in a bright red BMW and asked the farmer. "If I can tell you the exact number of sheep, will you give me one?"

The famer said, "Why not?" The man thougt a minute, looked over the flock and said, "You have exactly 1173 sheep!" The farmer was surprised but agreed. The young man went over, picked out an animal and put it in his car.

The farmer said, "How about a double or nothing? If I can ask your abolute political affiliation and your occupation?" The man quickly agreed.

The farmer said, "You are a politician and a Democrat!" The man was very surpirsed and saked, "How did you figure that?"

The farmer responded, "You wanted to get paid to tell me a number that I already knew."

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