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A&D FX-120i users....Let’s hear from you!

Well that answers that question. In the end I bought a Troemner test weight from a US supplier and had it shipped to NZ. They aren't cheap but there isn't much point in having an expensive accurate scale and a second rate calibration weight.
Mine was great but now, don't know why I turn it on leave it on like they suggest and when I remove the pan it doesn't go back to zero on return and now when I take pan off it floats higher and higher on weight .. you can actually watch the measurement go up without doing anything!! kind of upsetting and I've expressed this to the company with no response back and what I should do next !!!

Mine does this occasionally too. It started after I got the Area 419 pan and cup and I thought that set up might have something to do with it. So far, if I remove the cup and place it back on the scale, everything goes back to normal so I have not gotten too concerned.

I love the FX-120i but can't imagine buying it and not the Autotrickler. The V3 is awesome. The only real problem I have with the V3 is it left me with a V1 setting around useless. It only took a week with the V3 and I gave away my old Chargemaster to a local hunter safety instructor who loads for his classes. I think you'll be very happy with the 120i, but more so if you go ahead and get the V3 with it.
I think you'll be very happy with the 120i, but more so if you go ahead and get the V3 with it.

Oh man, that's like $500.00 MORE or something, right? BUT, if it's worth it I guess that gives me something else to save for. I think my wallet just sucker-punched me........or was that the wife? Wait.....they're so similar I'm not sure. Huh? :D
If you've already invested in a FX-120i for reloading, then trust me it is worth it to save up for the V3.

The first time I used the new V3, my grand daughter was helping me like she does from time to time with reloading. She grabbed my phone, figured out the new app and had the thing going in no time. She was laughing about how much easier it was than the old V1 method or what we had done before that.

Don't worry about other added expenses like the Area 419 accessories as you don't actually need those to make the V3 set up work extremely well. The only other thing you'll need to figure out is how you want to get the powder into different size cases effectively. The most cost efficient method I have used is the old Lyman powder cup with a funnel on it as it seems to work on a wide variety of cartridges.
If you've already invested in a FX-120i for reloading, then trust me it is worth it to save up for the V3.

The first time I used the new V3, my grand daughter was helping me like she does from time to time with reloading. She grabbed my phone, figured out the new app and had the thing going in no time. She was laughing about how much easier it was than the old V1 method or what we had done before that.

Don't worry about other added expenses like the Area 419 accessories as you don't actually need those to make the V3 set up work extremely well. The only other thing you'll need to figure out is how you want to get the powder into different size cases effectively. The most cost efficient method I have used is the old Lyman powder cup with a funnel on it as it seems to work on a wide variety of cartridges.
I just received my scale and V3 yesterday and haven't even opened the box yet.
I didn't realize it wouldn't come with a calibration weight.

Since we're looking for consistent in OUR specific guns, I'd think that the class of the test weight doesn't matter much. As long as the test weight stays the same, the charge weights would be consistent.

I'll use a tweezer to handle the test weight.... faster than gloves.
Mine was great but now, don't know why I turn it on leave it on like they suggest and when I remove the pan it doesn't go back to zero on return and now when I take pan off it floats higher and higher on weight .. you can actually watch the measurement go up without doing anything!! kind of upsetting and I've expressed this to the company with no response back and what I should do next !!!
I have to close one AC vent when I'm reloading and I also put a large "mouse" pad under my FX too. It helped on the Gempro I used to use so I kept it going. I don't use the shields either. Never had a problem with mine.

I found an fx120i that I bought used from snipers hide and I love it, down to a kernel of powder and repeatable, what's not to love!! I first bought a cheaper one, think it was a digital frankford arsenal and my es and as was EVERYWHERE! I found the fx120i and asked my wife if I could buy it and she put it this way "your messing with gun powder that is very explosive, I would rather you spend $500 on a scale now, if it will help you not blow your face off"!!! So I bought one and did not, will not look back!
I found the fx120i and asked my wife if I could buy it and she put it this way "your messing with gun powder that is very explosive, I would rather you spend $500 on a scale now, if it will help you not blow your face off"!!! So I bought one and did not, will not look back!

You're a lucky guy....from several viewpoints! :D
There are a few things that can make them drift such nearby appliances and certain lights, one guys said the ballast in his overhead light threw his off. When my AC/furnace unit runs it makes my scale read -0.04 even though it is in a different room and no vents/air flow in the reloading room so it's something to do with the current/field, etc. Shut it off and the scale stays zeroed.
I regard it as one of my best investments.
After a 30 minute warm up I always calibrate the scale before weighing powder, I bought a Class 1 200 gram test weight. Class 1 might be a bit overboard but my thinking was there is little point in having a scale that is accurate to 0.001 grams and have a less accurate test weight.

I bought a class 1 100 gram weight like a good boy. That said I don't think it really matters what class weight you use as long as you keep it clean and and dust free.

Even if your calibration weight is a full gram off it won't matter for reloading, weighing gold or chemicals yes, powder no. Why would I say such a foolish thing?

The scale will still have the .001 gram capabilities, even though you tell it to weight out 100 grains and it actually weighs out for example 99.82 grains it doesn't matter. You are going to work up your load and use whatever charge your gun likes. The number is just a reference number that is repeatable by the scales capability.

When I weighed out on a beam scale I used calibration weights and balanced the scale using calibration weights as close to the charge weight as I planned on using or where I thought I would end up. Once I got my FX120i I found out my calibration weights were .2 grains off but the gun didn't know the difference. I found a charge weight the gun liked and that was that.

So I think the scales repeatability is much more important than the weight you use to calibrate it for the purpose of reloading. Legal trade of silver or gold is another story.
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