95 Berger VLD For Deer


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2004
North Dakota
I have a 6mm-284 that shoots 95gr Berger VLD's very well has anyone tried them on Whitetail Deer and if so how did they work? My shots would be anywhere from 100 yards to 600 yards and my MV is 3510fps.

The 95 gr Berger is a hell of a bullet but for deer, I would have to recommend a 107 gr Sierra Mk over it if your rifle has a twist that will shoot it.

The Berger is just a bit thin in my mind for deer. Antelope would be alright but at those speeds, an impact at 250 yards and under may not turn out so well on a whitetail.

Just my opinion,

Kirby Allen(50)
Thanks Fifty! I think I will shoot the 100 Sierra or 95 Ballistic Tip for Deer and leave the VLD's for some Long Range Coyotes this winter.
I have used various 6MMs for years, but not the 6/284. When it comes to a big game bullet, I tend to use either the 105 Grain Speer, or more recently, the 100 Grain Sierra Spitzer.

I used a 6MM Remington in Africa, on kudu, and warthog. The 100 Sierra passed completely through both lungs on the kudu and exited. I was not happy using that gun, at the time, having brought it, mainly for jackal, but it worked.

As a big game bullet, in that bore, it's hard to beat.

Good hunting. LB
The A-Max on whitetail? Whatever(?), but your pics are of groundhogs. Are you sure of the application? LB
Thanks for the Info LB. You shot a Kudo with a 6mm.
Just goes to show how shot placement is the key.
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