900 yd elk?????

I've been reading the comments here as I have just got a Sendero 300 RUM. Interesting stuff.

Meichelle, I'm not trying to be a butt head (I dont have to try, it comes natural :D), but.... 3200 fps with 200 gr AB's seems very normal for this cartridge and 2893 very slow. So from where I'm sitting... in my chair in front of the monitor... something doesn't seem to be adding up with your experience.

I dont doubt anything you say, it just seems a liottle odd.

Also, wouldn't backing of a little from max load save a lot of throat wear?

Sir, I dont percieve you as being a butt head. I can see where the post you mentioned looks odd being 3200 is normal and 2893 is below normal.

Allow me to elaborate.

In fact, instead of hijacking this thread any further I will post a link to the new thread below. Here if you read carefully and pay attention to the velocity documentation AND the dates, you will understand the message of what I am trying to say here.


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