I would take the lowest powder charge listed in the manual you are using and run a seating depth test. I would do .010, .015, .020, .025, .030, .040 and .045 and see if your groups tighten up. Running one seating depth and multiple powders have done nothing but aggravate you. Whichever gives you the best three shot group, repeat again with same charge and depth and see if it is consistent. It should be, then go up the ladder on powder charges. I normally go in 1gr increments until I hit pressure, you should see the three shot groups opening and closing on the ladder. As with the seating test, I pick the smallest and see if it will repeat and if so, I start testing in smaller increments above and below the original charge. That will normally bring me to what I want. Expect to burn through a pound of powder and around 100 rounds of bullets. I also, would not get serious with a load development until I had burn at least 150 rounds down the barrel. This is just my method, like I have said before, there are several ways to skin a cat, this is just what I am custom to using.