7mm STW Brotherhood - For those who shoot the 7mm Shooting Times Westerner

Picked up a gorgeous barely-fired safe queen a year ago... ...a Ruger #1 stainless/black lam (2003). Topped her with Ruger ring mounts and a Leupold VX-3 6.5x20.

I free-floated / glassed, installed a Kepplinger trigger, and began a ladder load workup (now ~80% finished). Nosler brass, Barnes 145 LRX, H1000, and CCI mag primers. Last trip to the range tested charges of 77.2 to 80.8 grains (no pressure signs at all) in 0.3 gr increments using a Bulls Bag rest - not the Lead Sled shown in the pic. Results were not at all what I expected: at 300 yards, the maximum vertical spread was only 2-1/8"... ...and 12 of the 13 shots landed in a 1-3/8" vertical spread. ...not too bad for one of those vertical stringing Rugers with a 3.6 gr charge variation. Wind was a problem - variable from near 0 to 15 mph ESE & I was firing due north so horizontal spread was greater (5-1/4"). MV ranged from 3205 to 3365. I'm making one more trip to validate the results and expect I'll settle in at ~79.3 gr and a MV of ~3270. ...may or may not ladder the seating depth (now at .045" off lands) - probably not - seems to be where I've consistently had the best performance with Barnes and this one seems to be doing OK there too.

I almost bought one of these beauties back in '01 but talked myself out of it - kids in college and all... Ruger quit making them a couple of years later and I kicked myself ever since... ...until February, 2011... ...when finally I joined The Brotherhood - better late than never.

...and I couldn't be happier about it. :D



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Black the local shop here in Lexington move alot of nice stuff they had a Sendero in 308 last week and a ruger #1 in 220 swift Ive bought alot there enough that they will hold stuff for me ......Really good people, if there is something your looking for let me know

Nice set up! My father is a big fan of Ruger No1s, as am I. I wish I never sold mine.... Also looks like you found your node... good shooting.

I'm thinking of using H1000, but I'm thinking that it's too fast for 180g Bergers. If I could get some time and good weather, I'd shoot my test loads using US869 and Retumbo.

Can you show a pic of your sako 7 stw sometime? I want a sako in my collection someday. They are a great company with well built actions. I'm kind of drooling over their new (m10) I believe? It's a 3 barrel gun, 308, 300wm, 338 lapua. Military only right now, but I have a feeling they will make a hunting 3 barrel combo at some point. My main interest is in their new action design as they are upgrading their action to have dual sako ejectors, and they are both much larger than their current ones. It seems like they are looking for ultra reliabilty in case extraction I'd guess.

That looks just like my rifle!!!!!!!

I bought mine new in 01. The only difference is that I put a Bushnell 4200 (2.5-10) on it. I had to put on Millett rings, as the Ruger rings would twist on me when I fired it. Other than that, it hasn't been touched.

So far for mine, it likes Federal 150 gr Trophy Bonded loads. I only have about 2 boxes left of that. I was getting about an inch at 100 yards. I will soon start to reload for this gun. That does sound like a nice load that you have worked on.
Don't listen to Fred Ea!!!:D I shot the donor a couple of years ago and ended up with a 7mm Rem Mag that shoots half inch groups with boring regularity and has turned in a couple of sub quarter inch groups. I didn't need a 7 mag but I have one now!
But seriously, I wouldn't blame you if you didn't part out the LSS. They are beautiful rifles. I've got two of them. Your best bet otherwise is to find a 700 SPS or an older BDL as a donor. You can get a Bell & Carlson stock for $200 or less or you could probably find a used HS Precision for about the same money. You can probably get $100 out of the old barrel and stock to help offset your costs.
I didn't say I liked a 300, I said it wasn't bad. Hehe!:D
I have a Model 70 sporter classic in SS. It came with a synthetic stock, but I am in the process of installing a Timnry trigger and putting it in a salt and pepper laminate stock. I have a Bushnell 6500 4.5-30 scope to put on it. I have shot it a few times to break in the barrel and it shot inch and half groups with Nosler 150 gr. ballistic tips and a scope that I had put on it just to see how it shot.
Well, it looks like I now own 2 700 LSS rifles. I have one in 7 mag, that came from the same collector that the 300 came from. The 7 shoots like a house on fire. That gun was " used" but never fired, just like this one. You have a good idea about the SPS. I just saw one in my travels recently, but can't remember where it was. There is a local gun show coming up in April. I will probably see something there. I feel better now about NOT sacrificing that LSS. I recently traded my 700 BDL stainless synthetic in 300saum, when I acquired the Sako 7 stw. So, I had a " hole" for a "300" anyway! But this one looks better. So I am back into search mode. The barrel should be here tomorrow. As far as the stock, what do you guys think about the BC medalist? I sorta wanted a laminated, thats why went with with the LSS. Who makes a really good laminated? Boyds? Thanks to all.

AIM SMALL, MISS SMALL. gun) lightbulb 7 STW.

Yeah Dude I couldnt believe I found one.......and thanks for the welcome
Hey 7......any thoughts on powder
Butterbean, I assume you are talking to me. I like RL22 - 7828, with 140 grain bullets. They just seem to work well together, and velocity is smokin'. I Have had very good luck with 7828 with 150 AB, CT, and BT. I have been experimenting with Retumbo, and H1000 recently. I am not pleased with the Retumbo as of yet, however, I like the H1000' with the 162 AMax. However, I may return to my favorites, which are 7828' and RL22. they also shoot well with the 162-168 bullets. If I had to pick one, I would go with RL22. have fun, be safe.

AIM SMALL, MISS SMALL.lightbulb:) 7 STW.
Well it looks like I've acquired another Remington 700 Sendero 7mm STW today! :D

I'm just trying to keep up with you guys that own more than one 7mm STW! :)

Show off!

I have three, and am building another, but somebody here has twice that many and then some. ( there's no such thing as TOOOOOOO many!)

7 STW.
Butterbean, I assume you are talking to me. I like RL22 - 7828, with 140 grain bullets. They just seem to work well together, and velocity is smokin'. I Have had very good luck with 7828 with 150 AB, CT, and BT. I have been experimenting with Retumbo, and H1000 recently. I am not pleased with the Retumbo as of yet, however, I like the H1000' with the 162 AMax. However, I may return to my favorites, which are 7828' and RL22. they also shoot well with the 162-168 bullets. If I had to pick one, I would go with RL22. have fun, be safe.

AIM SMALL, MISS SMALL.lightbulb:) 7 STW.
Thanks ......wating on my scope to get back,figured I would work up some loads while Im waiting, RL-22 and Barnes 140's in stock so I'll give that combo a go,Was looking at retumbo and H-1000 myself so thanks again

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