Well-Known Member
I have some H1000 handy, and tons of RL19 & RL22 on-hand...
I have sent Berger an email asking if the Alliant powders will work, and if so, what their recommendation is for a starting load.
So would you recommend starting @ 76.0 of H1000 or start lower?
I have been told you are the Isaac Newton of the heavy STW's, and that you have it down to a science. So, any help will be appreciated.
Rl-19 is definately too fast for this Bullet cartridge combo.
You can use RL-22. Your max load is 70.3g will a 89.7% Case fill ratio. So drop about 5% and then work up in your rifle.
With H1000 76g is the Max indicated by Quickload with a fill ratio of 96.7% so drop about 5% and work up.
RL-25, Ramshot Magnum, And Retumbo have higher case fill ratios and seem to be better choices over all for this combo. But seeing as you have RL-22 and H1000, I'd try the H1000 First and Then RL-22 as a scond choice.
I tried H1000 in my rifle and it shot ok, but Retumbo was much better. I could only get 1" groups with it. Not bad, but My expectations were much higher than 1" at 100yds.
Again seating depth may prove to be a critical thing for your rifle. This is why I just buy a full box and plan on burning alot of powder to mess with all the possiblilities. When working up loads for Berger VLDs I first will make up test loads in .5g increments working backwards from the max, usually 5 rounds of each powder charge. I will Seat the bullets into the lands (using a dummy round) and then adjust my seating die to that length and then seat them deaper one more turn deaper on the seating stem. This will get them about .010-.015 off the lands. Then I shoot for accuracy. Pick the best shooter and then play with the seating septh abit more to see if I can tighten up the group.
PM me you E-mail and I will forward an e-mail that Walt Berger sent me some time back listing data for the 180g Berger VLD.
Hope this helps,