Bobs, the bullet completely passed through, and exited just inside the right thigh. That blown away rib isn't actually blown away. I cut it off when I cleaned out the chest cavity. That rib was cut or severed as far as you can see it, as if a bone chard, or a piece of the bullet raked down the side of it. I found a single broken petal inside when I was boning the the deer. The wound channel was devastating through the core, and the bullet did exit as was stated. I would have preferred a broad side shot, but the light was leaving in a hurry, and my sons deer position was perfect, so I took the shot I had. I hit her exactly where I was aiming, and believe me, that bullet didn't drop at all. Overall, I am pleased, as I had not shot this bullet on animals, but had good info from good sources that assured me they would do the job. Both deer where dropped cleanly , both with 7 mm bullets, and both were barnes bullets. One was a TSX, and mine was the LRX. Two shots, two bullets, two DRT deer, one with a STW, one with a seven mag. Good average in my book. My best estimate is that the velocity was still around 3380-3400 on impact. Muzzle velocity is averaging 3440. If a bullet can hang with that velocity, and completely pass through, and leave the damage it did, it's a good bullet in my book. I am told that it will still open at 1900 fps, and that dosen't happen till around 900-1000 yards. I am no 1000 yrd shooter, but something inside that with perfect conditions would tempt me. Take care, hope that answered your question.