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7mm RUM 168gr berger 605 yrd head shot goat!

GReat shot on the critter. It took a LOT of time and patients to get things together for a shot like that.

I wouldn't worry about what a few folks think, this is not the board to discuss individual ethics on. You were there, you made the call to make the shot, and you, and only you will have to live with the results.

I get similar things mentioned when I post about leaving a feral hog lay, and not putting it in the freezer. Mostly from folks who boast away about how many PR's or GH's or some other critter they have blown to oblivien. However, I have yet to hear, or see pictures of these same folks, cleaning or hauling in a mess of the above mentioned vermin for supper. I take what I can handle, give what I can away, and some of them end up feeding the other wildlife. By and far the areas we hunt and the surrounding areas, feral hogs are considered only vermin and nothing more. Yes they are edible, and yes they are fun to hunt, but they destroy way more than they are worth in the long run. I can honestly say that close to, or more than 95,% of what hits the ground goes in my cooler.

Thanks for sharing your hunt with us.
Thanks wildcat and 25-06 and all you guys for the encoragement and support, norhamnn did raddle me some,
but thanks to you guys I feel better.
Awesome shot!!!
The equipment was up to the task, the conditions were right, a decision was made, it all worked out perfectly. I'll say this, "IF, IF, IF, IF, IF, IF......." Does not exist in the Long Range Hunting Dictionary, if it did, there wouldn't be no long range hunting! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif Congratualtions my friend! The picture is not a beautiful picture, but since something living has to die for me to live, I'm pleased seing in the picture that that which had to die never suffered, never knew it! So... let the unti-hunters be happy in their little world. "Varmint Hunter" is right! Yet, some folks get upset because I preach savation through Jesus Christ and that did never stop me! Amen!!!
Wildcat: I go to this site because I love to shoot, and hunt. Im not a Anti, as you tried to pin on me. I have been visiting this site for some 2 years, and this is the worst example I have seen!

When first came on this site, there where some people who enjoyed long range shooting, and tried to come convice others, that they try to shoot at animals either lying down, or feeding, hitting them in the heart/lung region, wich is a hell of a lot bigger then a golfball sized brain!!

I thought this site was about etical hunting, not showmanship. A missed windcall, or the animal moving its head, when hearing a sound, could have blown its mouth/nose of, letting it die from starvation rather then blod loss. And I dont belive the BS about animals dying from the impact when getting their face shot of. There are plenty of horrer stories about animals starving to death, because some hot-shot took a long shot, and missed, or some other situation.
Norhman, until you can show me a picture of an animal with its mouth blown off still walking around with just a rack of bones for a body I will be taking head shots as they present themselves to me and I hope others do the same. I have seen and killed a few animals that have been shot in the body and had suffered a long time before I found them but I have yet to shoot one that has suffered with part of its head blown off. Please do not post anymore of your bull on here until you have some person experience because at this point in time you are just ignorant.
I am feeling the same thing here, if it is a doe and you can make the shot shoot her in the **** head if you want. I am planning on doing the same thing this fall just because I feel confident enough to do it, I want as much meat as possible, and I want to see what she does when she catches one in the head. Is this morbid of me, i dont know or really care. Where I will be hunting at the poision ivy is so bad I already got the worst infection i have ever seen this year so I aint planning on tracking anything that doesnt have headgear.

Congrats on the good shot and enjoy the sausage.

Thanks eaglet,mike,lerch,snipe,magni and others for all the comments.
by the way nice shot your buddy did magni,
learch i am still /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
Norhman, I am not trying to pin you as an ANTI, however, you should probably keep your comments to yourselve on this issue. As you can see, many people on LRH support what ROYGETERDONE accomplished. It was a very good shot and a great picture.

wildcat: well, alot of these people where not here two or three years ago, when I first started reading here. None of the "old boys" encouraged shootin animals in the head!

The mantra was, shoot the heart/lung region, while the animal is feeding or laying down. And practice practice, practice.. now here you have somebody who is taking a chip shot at a animal head at 600 yards. So, you are saying we should encourage people to take a more difficult shot, just because.. just because what? You are confident in your equipment? BS!! One mistake, and you wounded the animal. Thats is why you SHOULD aim for the bigger target!

Hell, I have a 7mm Wizzbang, shooting a 180 grain bullets at 3600fps, now I can shoot moose in the head at 1000 yards. Why should I aim for the 10" inch target, when I could go for the 3"...
Do you have any of those pictures of the animals with half of their heads blown off walking around starving to death yet.

Didn't think so.

I know that when you misjudge the wind and you blow the animals guts out it does make it easy to track them since they leave there guts on everthing they jump over but that is no reason to take the easy shots as you like to call them.
Each individual is restricted by his or her own ability and equiptment oh yes confidence plays a great part in this shooting.There are hundreds of people that can make the shot in discussion and perhaps thousands that lack the ability, equiptment or confidence, you just got to figure out your limits and be proud of others whom can do better and leave off the ridicule... /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
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