7mm Rem mag, 168gr vld & retumbo load data?

Dwm can you run a quick load for me of 72gns of Retumbo 168gn Berger VLD? My brother and me both got Sendero 7mms and need to decide on a load between the 2. Guy I got my gun from shot 72gns of Retumbo and my brothers has been shooting H1000 with Classic hunters. Hoping we can get them both to shoot sell with the same powder.
72 grains Retumbo 51.8Kpsi at 2957 fps

74 grains Retumbo 57K psi at 3042 fps (107% load density)

These Quickload results are for an OAL of 3.430 inches
A bit late but here is my load
This was the result of
2 ladder tests at 400 yards
1 OCW test at 100 yards
2 OCW test at 200 yards
1 COAL test at 200 yards
1 COAL test at 395 yards
Fire form brass nosler, S&B primer,
2.750" CBTO(.040" jump), 168 SMK .284
395 yards, 3 shots 2.600" or .625 MOA
With flyer 2.750" or .664 MOA


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