7mm Question

If you have a AA battery mag light, put a red lens in it and hike in Prior to day light. Deer and elk can not see the color red, and they will never know you are there walking in prior to Sun Rise. Planning is a lot of fun!

The suggestion of making a ground blind to hide is is a real good one, but you may have to make several.

I would also investigate to see if there is a guy in the area that has mules or horses to pack the animal out. Best couple of hundred dollars you will ever spend.

Work toward filling that tag with a couple of friends or family. With a little work, you may get much closer.
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Both great rounds but I'd take up golf if that's the best chance I had at putting meat on the table and leave the gun at home, no offense to you golfers out there, I admire the goal you've established, but there's gotta be a more desirable situation in your unit than what you just described if nothing else in extracting the meat, what's your longest current harvest shot on a animal? if nothing else that oughta give you a idea on what your up against let alone the wind across your canyon, maybe you can do this on a regular basis I don't know, but I have a feeling if you could you wouldn't be wondering what rifle to build. Just my 02, hope it works out for you ...
I'm trying to decide on a new rifle build. Looking at either a 7mm or 7mm STW. I've got a place where I've hunted for a number of years and its an elk hot spot. They hang out across a steep nasty canyon. Theres no way to sneak into the side that they're on. Way too thick and nasty. What you can do is shoot across the canyon. Its a 970-1170 yard shot across to the hole they hang out in.

I'd like to put together a rifle and go after them next year. I'm trying to decide if a 7mm Rem Mag is enough or should I go up to the 7mm STW. I'd like to shoot the 180's.

I'm new to this group I shoot a 28 nosler. Is you shoot a 175 gr long range Accubond at 800 yards your velocity is 1600 .at 1200 yards you have a higher chance of wounding the elk then dropping it dead at that range. Long range shooting at gongs is one thing shooting at Animals is another story.
What about an elk drive....do you know or have any idea which way is their escape route from the other face of rhe canyon....
Knowing where they might move on which wind direction is fun to figure out....
I once had an entire herd walk by me at 15-20 feet.....not a single bull....they were up on the ridge...where the other guys blasted them...
I got to pack.......
But either rifle is a good cartridge.....just practice more than you think you need...i would even go waste a bunch of bullets in high winds to see how things travel......
I'm not disagreeing with you that 7mm is not ideal for elk at extreme distance, but energy numbers don't tell the whole story.

Energy remaining at 1200 yards and 8000 feet elevation:

195 Berger @ 3125 (28 Nosler): 1932 ft lb
215 Berger @ 3000 (300 PRC/30 Nosler): 1778 ft lb

No problem !! my concern is the wind and how many directions it can come under those conditions. I have hunted canyons and it is not unusual for it to be from many different directions. (Three or fore is common).

If you hit an Elk in the chest with a 7 mm he is going down, the problem is where and how long it takes. I still like the energy to be 1500 to 2000 ft/lbs but wory about the possibility of a not so good shot.

I'm new to this group I shoot a 28 nosler. Is you shoot a 175 gr long range Accubond at 800 yards your velocity is 1600 .at 1200 yards you have a higher chance of wounding the elk then dropping it dead at that range. Long range shooting at gongs is one thing shooting at Animals is another story.
You do realize the name of this forum is "Long Range Hunting", right?
I would suggest the 7STW or 28 Nosler pushing a 195 if you really plan on 1000-1200 yard elk shots. But, you will probably only get 1 or 2 years out of it, because you better be shooting 200-300 rounds a year at 1200-1500+ in varying conditions to practice for taking a shot at elk.
A .300RUM w. 230 Berger or .338 Edge w. 300 Berger might be better suited for a 1200 yards elk rifle.
I shot 7s for years with the same or more energy than my 300WM or Nosler. We could argue until we are blue in the face but the fact is the larger 215 Berger simply puts animals down faster than the 7. I personally don't care why. It just does. Maybe some of you like tracking game but I don't want mine moving after the shot. I have not shot game with a 338 but I would be willing to bet the same is true in that they are even better.
Both great rounds but I'd take up golf if that's the best chance I had at putting meat on the table and leave the gun at home, no offense to you golfers out there...

I knew where you were going LOL Golf is way harder!

let alone the wind across your canyon, maybe you can do this on a regular basis I don't know, but I have a feeling if you could you wouldn't be wondering what rifle to build.

OP needs to pull the big dog driver out not the 7 wood!
Yes this is the Long Range Forum !
And Happy to be a part of it !

I put hundreds of rounds down range this last year in all my rifles for practice . 338 Rum's , 300 bergers and my 3 338 Edges with 300 gr Bergers and Smk's . Lots of practice .
My Long Range Dream Came True !

My 338 Edge , 30 " proof , T-3 Termanator, Mcmillian game hunter, Remington action , 20 moa base , Burris XTR ii 5 x 25 x 50 , 300 Berger elite hunters at 2884 fps.
Note ..long range hunting takes Lots of practice!
My 2019 Bull ! 1244 yards !
Best of Luck to you in your Quest !
Would I use a 7 ..no thank you .
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