7mm Pills for White Tails!!!

Don't Hammers just "explode" like Bergers, or can you actually break a shoulder with them?
We've taken many whitetails, hogs and an antelope in the last couple of years since I began converting to Hammers......most shot square through shoulder broadside. Have yet to recover a bullet and all but a couple have been DRT! Shooting in 25-06, 257 Roberts, 6.5 CM, 264 WM, 280 Rem, 280 Ackley and 300 Wby......and now testing 220 Swift. Easy to develop a load and extremely accurate!
We've taken many whitetails, hogs and an antelope in the last couple of years since I began converting to Hammers......most shot square through shoulder broadside. Have yet to recover a bullet and all but a couple have been DRT! Shooting in 25-06, 257 Roberts, 6.5 CM, 264 WM, 280 Rem, 280 Ackley and 300 Wby......and now testing 220 Swift. Easy to develop a load and extremely accurate!
Nice! I like to hear it when folks are still using the .264 Win Mag!
I have 2 of them.....a mid 60s model 700 and late 50s Browning that my Dad left me 30+ years ago......264 WM just kills...Period!

.300 Win Mag
.264 Win Mag
I'm just wondering how some of y'all have 250# deer in Texas etc. I've punched a couple dozen tags in Texas and killed nor seen a free range 250 pounder. My Tennessee farms bucks don't go over 190 lbs ever when they are 6.5 years old.
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