7mm barrel life?

You are could be correct on the Remingtons and their twists. I had a early 7 RUM stainless laminate which actually shot the 180 Berger VLDs! Explain how this early model 7 RUM could shoot them and your CDL could not. Different twist?
You are could be correct on the Remingtons and their twists. I had a early 7 RUM stainless laminate which actually shot the 180 Berger VLDs! Explain how this early model 7 RUM could shoot them and your CDL could not. Different twist?

That is the only thing I could come up with. It shot the 160 Accubonds in tight little 1/2" groups, but the Bergers were more like 3-4 inches. I got tired burning up pounds of powder, too. 92 gr of Retumbo a whack don't go very far.
26" barrel IIRC not much more than 3150 if that. I really think the 7 RUM and 7 STW need at least a 28" or longer barrel to begin to come into their own.
Certainly appreciate all your thoughts, a lot for me to soak on . . . Perhaps just a little more clarification as someone earlier mentioned.
I live and hunt in Louisiana exclusively. Buck I routinely kill range from 190 - 240 lbs (2 so far this year @ 380 & 420 yds). Have no interest in competitive long range target but lots of energy to build a new improved deer killing machine.
The 7mm barrel I mentioned I already own NIB. SS, #6 contour, fluted, .75 muzzle, 9" twist, finished length of 26" plus muzzle brake. Will be installed on a fully trued 700 long action, McMillan stock, etc. I like heavy guns so I expect it to end up around 11 lbs.
It would seem that after reading your collective contributions that the STW and RUM are no longer on my short list of chambering options as they do not support barrel life for the resulting benefit. On the other hand, it does seem that the WSM, SAUM or straight 284 could achieve the 3,000 - 3,200 fps mark without much trouble. So, I guess lastly would be the "hunting" bullet of choice in the 160 - 180 gr range? I'm not interested in going down the Berger road as I prefer exit holes in my deer. That being said, what's your preference in terminal performance?
Scirocco IIs or accubonds, and at that range i'd settle on the 284 loaded past 3". It'll perform fine and have very good barrel life.
Scirocco IIs or accubonds, and at that range i'd settle on the 284 loaded past 3". It'll perform fine and have very good barrel life.

I've killed 2 antelope with the 160 gr Accubond and I would highly NOT recommend it. It made a nice little hole going in and a nice little hole going out. One of the bucks took a round just forward of the left flank, and the bullet traveled all the way forward and came out just in front of the right front shoulder. Tiny little exit wound. The SMK, on the other hand, makes big bloody exit wounds in antelope.

I've killed 2 antelope with the 160 gr Accubond and I would highly NOT recommend it. It made a nice little hole going in and a nice little hole going out. One of the bucks took a round just forward of the left flank, and the bullet traveled all the way forward and came out just in front of the right front shoulder. Tiny little exit wound. The SMK, on the other hand, makes big bloody exit wounds in antelope.

In my experience the SMK's do the same thing on deer-- even 300+ pound Mulies.
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