7mm-08 or 30.06 for Moose?


Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2012
Going on a cow moose hunt this year. No idea how long the shots will be but I am guessing 100 yards most likely but really not certain. Should I use the 7mm-08 with the 154 grain Hornady Accubond or would I be better with my 30.06 and my 150 grain Remington Core Lokt Ultra Bonded? Or, is it a wash...gun)
Moose are huge....If I were to ever go moose hunting I would probably take my .338 WinMag, even for 100 yard shots.
Either! Out of the two I'd go for the 7mm because the bullet has a higher sectional density. I always try to put the first shot right behind the shoulder to get thhe lungs without risk of having the bullet staying in the shoulder bone/getting fragmented by the shoulder bone. If there is time for a second shot I put that through the shoulder. Odds are after all that it will also get to the lungs and that it will immobilize the animal by busting the shoulder.
Pretty much a wash for me, but I think you're handicapping the 30-06 in this instance. Put a 200 grain Accubond, or 220 grain Partition in the 30-06, and especially if you're certain to be in close the 30-06 would be my choice.
Pretty much a wash for me, but I think you're handicapping the 30-06 in this instance. Put a 200 grain Accubond, or 220 grain Partition in the 30-06, and especially if you're certain to be in close the 30-06 would be my choice.

What your saying is true...that would be a better bullet choice. Using my deer bullet probably would not be the best option.
Either one in the "heavy for caliber" bullet choices will do fine. Pick the one that you feel that you can make a fast second shot if needed. Also bullet contruction will be your biggest concern. Not caliber. Good luck on the hunt!
I have the romantic notion of bringing my Ruger Super Black Hawk along should the shot be twenty yards.
Personally Id have to say neither! Moose aren't the best sport when they wounded. They aren't like a little white tail and run off and die 3 miles down the road. Moose tend to charge.. I'd say the 338 wm with a 250gr + pill would be alot better fit for the task at hand. Again just my view on it.
Wow...I was also thinking of hunting them with my longbow actually. Never heard of a moose charging a hunter in the lower 48. Sounds like I will have to take a brain shot like an elephant.
Dont suppose you've ever been hunting in the rut either.. Only experience I've had with a moose charging was over out of Dillon Mt. There was two bulls going at it and when we walked up on them on accident the bigger of the two bulls heard us. He would charge up to about 75 yards snorting and racking the ground like crazy with his antlers. Not something I'd like to accidentally walk up on and have a 30-06 or 7-08... Guess I shouldn't have said anything.. Good luck.

Wow...I was also thinking of hunting them with my longbow actually. Never heard of a moose charging a hunter in the lower 48. Sounds like I will have to take a brain shot like an elephant.
You put a 30-06 in the right place with an appropriate type of 200gr or heavier bullet at 100 and you will be fine. At that range the caliber choice is less important than bullet choice and placement.
Plenty of videos of moose on youtube tired of playing nice. I've seen them shrug off some pretty good hits. I've been close (probably as close as the room you're reading this in) to them them during rut, and to cows with no sense of humor regarding their calves. The last tag I filled was with a .358 AI magnum. If I get another chance my .375 H&H will likely get used. That said I'd feel like I could "defend myself" with a 30-06 and 220 grain bullets of almost any make (partitions preferred). Penetration and destroying vital tissue counts on moose (even cows). Heavy 30-06 loads will do this.
The last tag I filled was with a .358 AI magnum. If I get another chance my .375 H&H will likely get used. That said I'd feel like I could "defend myself" with a 30-06 and 220 grain bullets of almost any make (partitions preferred). Penetration and destroying vital tissue counts on moose (even cows). Heavy 30-06 loads will do this.

Agreed it very well could be done with a 30-06 with the heavy hitting 220 gr pills but the OP was wanting to use 150gr pills. I would feel a lot more comfortable with something a little bigger then a 30-06 going up against a moose but again that's just me. And I don't mind the recoil of the hard hitting magnums.

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