7 year old's first "Long Range"!!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 9, 2007
Central Illinois
My 7 year old son just shot his first "long range" group at 300 yards. It was shot with a 22-250 Encore with a Boyds stock I shortened to fit him correctly. The group measured right at 4". It was shot using a sand bag under the front of the rifle, but none under the back. He was a pretty happy boy.....Dad and grampa were pretty pleased as well!

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7mmSendaro, your son will be hooked for life now. Tell him I said congratulations on the shooting. It provides a sense of accomplishment as well as a challenge to seek improvement. Not many things kids do these days can provide such encouragment. Not to mention the satisfaction of a proud father. Well done. Ken
Oh my goodness, the boy will be insane by the time he's 16 becuase he'll have no room to improve, I mean you can't shoot less than the diameter of 1 bullet hole with anything at any range.

Fantastic shooting.
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