7 twist 3.50" COL 270 winchester quickload request

berger eol 270


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i called sierra and talked to a engineer concerning the 175TGK....
it is simply a long 150. it has a overly long bearing. it has a low BC for the weight. i have maybe 45 left of 50. even with long freebore, the 175 TGK will overpressure. its almost like a older barnes copper. no relief for pressure.

i can see a usage for it. my standard length, 3.50" and very slow powder at starting levels. just accept low speed, bc, in exchange for terminal weight.

the good news is, i have 450 x 165/170 bullets in the mail. i wont ever be buying another 175TGK unless they completely change the ogive design.

to address the 170 EOL, with its ogive, it adds freebore without a modded chamber. they sent me load data for it.

Agree! We have some 175 tgk in the store I work at, I had to look at one…utterly disappointed! It's ALL bearing surface!