6mm rocket


Jan 9, 2013
I've acquired a Mauser action rifle. Barrel has 6mm rocket stamped in it. Wondering if anyone knows what it is and info on the cartridge. I thought it may be 240 gibbs but I haven't found anything suggesting so. Any info will be helpful thanks.
Could be possible. What would be best way to get a chamber form.

Visit a well-known gunsmith and let them cast the chamber is really the only way to find out what it is. From the cast, they can take measurements and then help determine the case dimensions, and then determine the parent case.

The product used is named Cerrosafe. It is a soft alloy which melts at a low temperature and can be used to cast a rifle chamber. Usually a gunsmith is advisable since they usually have the experience. But the directions are clear that come with the product if you feel that you might want to tackle this yourself.

Cerrosafe is available from Brownells and Midway at the very least but I'm sure many reloading suppliers might carry it also.

I've acquired a Mauser action rifle. Barrel has 6mm rocket stamped in it. Wondering if anyone knows what it is and info on the cartridge. I thought it may be 240 gibbs but I haven't found anything suggesting so. Any info will be helpful thanks.
:) I just goggled the name 6MM rocket and came up with it is blown out 240 Gibb's. The caption said" Rocky's little darling". There maybe article in the Gun's Magazine. I am at work and cannot open the article on the net.
:) I just goggled the name 6MM rocket and came up with it is blown out 240 Gibb's. The caption said" Rocky's little darling". There maybe article in the Gun's Magazine. I am at work and cannot open the article on the net.

I understand that you are at work and can't access the article. But you have to read the article to understand that the term '6mm rocket' is used in another context.

Here is the url for the article:


This is a playful term used by the author as a descriptor for the 240 Gibbs. The reason I went back in search of this result is that Rocky Gibbs' .240 Gibbs is already the maximum case expansion for the '06 case. Therefore it cannot be 'blown out' any further in order to become another cartridge with more capacity. The article is simply referring to the .240 Gibbs as 'Rocky's little rocket'.

Maybe a 220 Weatherby Rocket necked up? If you need any measurements, I have a 220 Wby Rocket, just let me know and I'll get them for you when I get home.
Maybe a 220 Weatherby Rocket necked up? If you need any measurements, I have a 220 Wby Rocket, just let me know and I'll get them for you when I get home.
:) If I remember the 220 rocket is improved 220 Swift case and it is rimmed, Check the bolt face on your rifle if it is a rimmed or standard .473 bolt face.
Yes, the 220 Wby Rocket is just an improved 220 Swift. The Swift does have a standard .473 case head also.
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