6mm creedmoor Load help

Im about to start loading up some rounds with my 6mm creed built by APR.

The following are my chosen components:

Starline brass
CCI 200 primer
Berger 105gr vld's
H4350 and RL26 powder

I don't have a modified case made yet, so hoping someone can steer me towards a good starting point for COAL.

*Ive seen 2.730" in several reloading manuals and was going to start there if I don't find any other info.

As far as h4350, I know it's extremely popular and 41-42gr is common.

Any help with personal loads or experience would be greatly appreciated!

You don't have to have a modified case to find the point of contact to the lands. Take an empty unprimed case and seat one of your 105 Vdls extra long. Keep seating the bullet down until the bolt will close on the round. Then take a sharpe and color the bullet around the point on the bullet where the bullet should contact the lands of the rifling. You will see land marks on the bullet. Recolor the bullet and seat the bullet 10 thou at a time until the marks aren't as obvious and then repeat seating the bullet another 5 or 3 thou at a time to where you no longer see the land marks in the coloring on the bullet. It takes longer than having a modified case but can be just as accurate. Essentially you'll only ruin one bullet after pulling it and you'll just have to resize the piece of brass you used to get the neck tension back where it needs to be but it works well. I use this method even if I have a modified case just to double check my findings.
You don't have to have a modified case to find the point of contact to the lands. Take an empty unprimed case and seat one of your 105 Vdls extra long. Keep seating the bullet down until the bolt will close on the round. Then take a sharpe and color the bullet around the point on the bullet where the bullet should contact the lands of the rifling. You will see land marks on the bullet. Recolor the bullet and seat the bullet 10 thou at a time until the marks aren't as obvious and then repeat seating the bullet another 5 or 3 thou at a time to where you no longer see the land marks in the coloring on the bullet. It takes longer than having a modified case but can be just as accurate. Essentially you'll only ruin one bullet after pulling it and you'll just have to resize the piece of brass you used to get the neck tension back where it needs to be but it works well. I use this method even if I have a modified case just to double check my findings.
Running necked down Lapua 6.5 creed SRP brass, CCI450s 105 hybrids and 42.8 gr of 4350. Found good node there and also a good node at 41.
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Im about to start loading up some rounds with my 6mm creed built by APR.

The following are my chosen components:

Starline brass
CCI 200 primer
Berger 105gr vld's
H4350 and RL26 powder

I don't have a modified case made yet, so hoping someone can steer me towards a good starting point for COAL.

*Ive seen 2.730" in several reloading manuals and was going to start there if I don't find any other info.

As far as h4350, I know it's extremely popular and 41-42gr is common.

Any help with personal loads or experience would be greatly appreciated!

100 grain Sierra Pro Hunter, 2.645" COAL, 42.2 grains of H4350 in a 1x fired Hornady case neck sized only with Federal 210 Gold Match primer will make a ragged hole during a monsoon.
I'm running;

Alpha srp brass
Cci 450 primers
42.8grs of h-4350
105berger hybrids
@ 3137fps
.005 thou off lands!

Rifle and load are still pretty new to me, but so far it's holding in the .2's-.3's!
I had better accuracy with IMR 4451 and H4831 over 4350 but lost a little velocity. 105 Berger VLD and 40.5 gr of 4451 is what I settled on.
I'm running 45gr of rl 26 with 110 smk, fed 210 primer and Hornady brass. Sub half moa and 3150 with single digit es out of my 26" barrel.
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