6.5 WSM Whacks Another One

I know the feeling when you let one go without hearing protection.
Last season, I got all caught up in the excitement of shooting my first deer with a pistol.

Magnum Research Lone Eagle 14.5" with radial break
243 winchester shooting hornady 100 grainer

I pulled the trigger and my immediate thought wasn't oh did I hit that buck. It was OH S%*T! This is going to hurt! After about a day the ringing had finally gone down, but when I got home talking to my family everything was muffled. I now own the electronic ear plugs sold on this site.

Congratulations on a nice buck and sweet rifle.

Thank you sir, if you don't mind; can you tell me about the electronic plugs? I've been looking into them something fierce but have still been trigger shy. Love? Hate? Just ok?

I'd like to hear your thoughts.

I also would love to hear more about the electronic ear plugs. Tried to get my wife to buy them as a anniversary gift. She got some cheap, well different than what I asked for....
2 years ago I jumped out of the truck a took a quick shot at a coyote [ farmers pasture] with a muzzle break on a 7 SAUM. Took a day for the ringing to stop. NEVER going to do that again. Bruce
So mine may not be the EXACT ones sold by Len on this site as they were bought at the NRA dinner auction. My first impressions were:

These things are small!
I put the batteries in and... are they working? (lesson get the batteries positioned correctly)
The directions also help in selecting the correct rubber "plug" part (i highly recommend the orange ones because if you drop them in grass you may never find them.)

the earplugs were first tried while shooting a hot loaded 26" 25-06. They work better than nothing but not as good as a good set of foam plugs. The cutoff of blast is imperceptible but there is no ringing in my ears, so it must work. The bullet impact is very easy to hear since the transmission of sound begins quickly after blast.

My second test was with a Lone Eagle 15" 30-06 with radial muzzle break- conclusion: these things can't reduce enough noise to compensate for such a compensated pistol.

I know Len tested the "industrial grade" versions, so maybe they have a better noise reduction rating than the ones I have.

Final thought- its better than hunting without plugs but if you're shooting a short barrel/ high blast/ braked rifle they might not be enough.
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