6.5 SAUM Range update

Update.... Shot a little today and did a little seating depth test to see what the rifle likes. Also built the bench in the photo with a friend the other day. This our private spot to shoot.

All rounds were 60.0gr RL26. Average FPS is around 3144. From left to right the Berger 140gr Elite Hunters were seated .010, .015, and .020 off the lands.

Seems the rifle likes a little jump.


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Now your getting somewhere. Might even try seating at .030 for the heck of it. Most Berger's in my experience like the .030 give a couple in thousands either direction. Great bench too.
Nice shooting bench! And nice shooting!

If I may share a recent 'seating test' experience with the membership? I was wanting to try the Berger 215 hr Hybrid in my .300 Win Mag. The magazine limited how far out I could seat the bullet. I ended up with 0.050" jump and it shoots great (if I do my part). 😁
I always wonder if I am doing my part.. that is the variable that either shows up with its A game that day, or is camped out in the bullpen ;)
Nice shooting bench! And nice shooting!

If I may share a recent 'seating test' experience with the membership? I was wanting to try the Berger 215 hr Hybrid in my .300 Win Mag. The magazine limited how far out I could seat the bullet. I ended up with 0.050" jump and it shoots great (if I do my part). 😁
And that bench must weigh 300 pounds or so.. it is going nowhere! Glad the build is done!
Great job on the bench! Been following your progress and successes. A lot of people are very proud of you.👍

Thank you. That is very nice to hear. I feel like I have traveled miles in my learning curve since the beginning. I also feel like I have miles of territory to learn and grow.... I like being a perpetual student.

I could not have done this without amazing advice and guidance.
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I just checked the case capacity on a fired round from my 6.5 GAP. It was from prime ammo, so the brass was Norma cases. I got 71.4 grains of H2O. Just curious if any of you have checked your capacity? Im wondering how the Norma capacity compares to others.
I just checked the case capacity on a fired round from my 6.5 GAP. It was from prime ammo, so the brass was Norma cases. I got 71.4 grains of H2O. Just curious if any of you have checked your capacity? Im wondering how the Norma capacity compares to others.
I have not.. tell me how to do this and I will give it a try. I am curious! I have ADG brass.
My method may not be correct but to check capacity of a fired case: I take a fired case with the spent primer left in it and weight it on my digital powder scale. Then I fill it even to the mouth with water and weight it again. I subtract the empty weight from the weight filled. You could also just put the empty case on your digital scale and zero / tare. Then fill with water to the mouth and put it back on the scale. It would tell you how much water it has in grains.
Thank you. That is very nice to hear. I feel like I have traveled miles in my learning curve since the beginning. I also feel like I have miles of territory to learn and grow.... I like being a perpetual student.

I could not have done this without amazing advice and guidance.
We all continue to learn daily that is the great thing about this site but I must say you have rapidly progressed in your learning curve more than I did when I started out that's for sure
For most of us old timers, there was no internet or sources of multiple knowledge like this site offers. You either read all you could, learned on your own, had an older mentor, or shot with a group of BR shooters, listened and asked questions (my case). I love this site! I have been handloading for over 50 years. I have learned more in the last 2 years here than in the previous 10! Thank you ALL!
We all continue to learn daily that is the great thing about this site but I must say you have rapidly progressed in your learning curve more than I did when I started out that's for sure
I am fortunate enough to have had multiple sources of good information. Being a voracious reader has helped. But in truth, I have had an incredible mentor. ;)
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