6.5 prc to 28 nosler

The 28 Nosler uses 30+ grains more powder and shoots a bullet 40-50 grains heavier. For a target rifle out to 1200 yards, myself I would be taking the 6.5 PRC with 140 Berger match Hybrid or ELDM bullets. With a 28 Nosler pushed hard with heavy bullets I'm sure you would see throat erosion after 250 rounds.
The 28 Nosler uses 30+ grains more powder and shoots a bullet 40-50 grains heavier. For a target rifle out to 1200 yards, myself I would be taking the 6.5 PRC with 140 Berger match Hybrid or ELDM bullets. With a 28 Nosler pushed hard with heavy bullets I'm sure you would see throat erosion after 250 rounds.

Throat erosion isn't a big issue on a gun that's only going to fire 50 rounds per year. Most 28 Noslers will shoot well up to 800 rounds or more even when run hard.
Hand loaders are just pushing the limits of the design beyond the original specs.
Nosler screwed the pooch when they saamied the 28 and 30 Noslers freebore and crappy expensive brass. Theres only 2 reasons I could think of why they did that either they didnt know what freebore can do to a cartridge or just to fit in there obsolete 3.4 mag boxs.
Nosler screwed the pooch when they saamied the 28 and 30 Noslers freebore and crappy expensive brass. Theres only 2 reasons I could think of why they did that either they didnt know what freebore can do to a cartridge or just to fit in there obsolete 3.4 mag boxs.

They designed them so that they could fit into a large selection of actions. It was actually a really smart decision. With a 3.400" OAL spec I could rebarrel any gun that was originally sold in any of the belted mags to one of the Nosler offerings without any other modifications. If I wanted to throw a 30 Nosler barrel on an old tang safety Ruger I could and it will still work with factory ammo. Keeping factory ammo loaded so that it will work in the shortest possible action just gives them the opportunity to sell more factory ammo to guys who want to throw a new barrel on their old action but don't load their own ammo.

The performance of factory loaded ammo for any of the Noser offerings is still a meaningful step up in performance compared to factory loaded ammo in other chamberings which will fit in similar sized actions. That doesn't mean anything to me since I don't shoot factory ammo, but it is relevant to the folks who do use it.
Yeah well we will see about that, I'm a firm believer there wouldn't be a 300 PRC if Nosler would have spec'ed. 225 freebore in there 30 Nosler like hornandy did. Nosler I guarantee lost alot of customers for that reason alone
Yeah well we will see about that, I'm a firm believer there wouldn't be a 300 PRC if Nosler would have spec'ed. 225 freebore in there 30 Nosler like hornandy did. Nosler I guarantee lost alot of customers for that reason alone

Hornady doesn't sell guns so they can design whatever they want without being limited by their own rifle design. Nosler has to work around their own rifle design as well. It wouldn't make much sense for them to design a cartridge with a 3.700" OAL when their model 48 action is limited to 3.400".
Doesnt make much sense either to have a 3.4 action in a bigger 30 cal semi- custom gun either when theres alot better options out there.
I shoot both the 6.5 prc and 28's.

Both are awesome.

If you want to shoot a lot I would say 6.5 PRC.
If you don't care about shooting heaps I would go the 28 as it has a tonne more energy at 1000 yards and beyond as is a little more flat shooting. You need to handload for it to get the best performance.
6.5 PRC match ammo is awesome straight out of the box however.
All my guns have good brakes so recoil isn't really an issue.
My 28 is really mild regarding recoil and weighs around 10.5 lbs. very pleasant to shoot.
The PRC is coming in at 9.5 lbs and I can't really tell the difference between the two.
Good brakes mask the felt recoil on these cartridges, both my 28's have F all recoil and they both use Terminator Brakes. I would go as far as saying it has less recoil then my PRC with the Facotry Gunwerks brake. That's slinging 180's at over 3070 too
The 28 Nosler uses 30+ grains more powder and shoots a bullet 40-50 grains heavier. For a target rifle out to 1200 yards, myself I would be taking the 6.5 PRC with 140 Berger match Hybrid or ELDM bullets. With a 28 Nosler pushed hard with heavy bullets I'm sure you would see throat erosion after 250 rounds.

yes you do see some throat erosion, after 100 rounds i had to drop my load from 79gr to 77 but still shoots 3000FPS. It shoots lights out with a suppressor with .243 recoil. I can screw the can on and off and POI never changes at 600 yards. the 195 EOL is the only way to go IMO. Have not killed anything past 600yds but wind deflection is amazing too. Killed a black buck at 500 yd and dropped like a rock. Anxious to use it this year in Colorado.
Live in Maryland so a can is basically impossible without a lot of paperwork and extensive background, so I'm told. Think 6.5 will be the ticket. And when the 300RUM needs rebarreling look at the 30prc or 30nosler.
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