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6.5 PRC issues

Adjusted headspace? How? Is the bolt face polished? Did they recut chamber? Rebarrel it, cut the ejector springs? I'm sure cleaning the carbon ring out did nothing for his issue. Be interesting to hear how this rifle does the next 90 rounds. I'm sure Christensen wouldn't just send a reply, learn to clean your gun. We will know for sure when there's another my Christensen is the worst rifle thread.
I did ask some more questions and haven't got a reply back but when they do I'll post it
Be interesting to see how much you like the re-tuned version. Sounds like they agreed with the majority of us, in terms of what was wrong with the rifle.

Wonder if Okieman has the fortitude to apologise to all those he castigated in so many ways.
If you can, bore scope it an take pics before you fire it to check to see what they did. Trust but verify
Adjusted headspace? How? Is the bolt face polished? Did they recut chamber? Rebarrel it, cut the ejector springs? I'm sure cleaning the carbon ring out did nothing for his issue. Be interesting to hear how this rifle does the next 90 rounds. I'm sure Christensen wouldn't just send a reply, learn to clean your gun. We will know for sure when there's another my Christensen is the worst rifle thread.
He told you what CA told him. He'll shoot it and see how it works. We are just here for information and help. And you seem like an arrogant *****.
New to this form and first time posting. Been around hunting and shooting all my life but never been much in to reloading. I have started messing around a bit with it and probably know just enough to get me in to trouble. My issue is I picked up a new rifle in 6.5 PRC. Did the barrel brake in and all that and the rifle shoots really well. But after I was done with the brake in and about 30 rounds without cleaning the barrel I started to get pressure signs and heavy bolt lift. Troubleshot the issue a bit and found that I was getting a lot of build up where the neck ends and the freebore begins. Don't know if that is the right terminology. Anyways I can load a live round and eject it and the bullet has scratches all the way around I'll put in picture. Any help or info would be great. I have never had the happen to me before. Thanks
Oh and shooting factory 143 ELD-X nothing fancy
Hey bebb25. I have a CA MPR chambered in 6.5 PRC. Received it new at a shooting school last year. After the first day and about 80 rounds mine did the same exact thing. I was shooting 143 ELDX and suppressed. We cleaned thoroughly at the end of the day. The next day the problem continued. Mind you I was stacking them at 700yds plus. Very accurate gun. That bolt face has an extractor and an ejector. So, two marks. i ended up sending it in to CA. I believe they polished up the chamber and returned. I haven't had any issues since, but have not shot it that aggressively either. Contact me if you have further questions. I'm in South Texas. Peace.
Well, he said he ran a factory load in that showed the marks on the bullet and neck he posted. I am not clear that the cases he took pictures of the case heads are factory. He says he is shooting factory ammo but the case heads show two and some three, ejector marks. Some show over;lapping ejector marks. Unless the gun has dual ejectors that doesn't look like most factory ammo case heads.
Christensen action has 2 extractor pins
Not exactly sure if that's what they're called, but there is two
Thank you for your reply. One more question. Maybe two. Is it common to see a carbon ring after 30 rounds after cleaning and if so I would have to clean the carbon ring out of it every 30 rounds. I have another 6.5 PRC with a different manufacturer and haven't had this issue yet and I know every gun is different. Do you think it's the way my new one is chambered?
I have a Ridgeline FFT in the 6.5 Creedmoor that's doing the same thing. I'm half way through the barrel breakin and it looks pretty much the same. I'm breaking it in exactly how they say to do it. I use Butchs 7.62 copper solvent to clean the chamber and bore with nylon brushes, like they say and still get the same thing. Maybe I should just stop putting the bore camera down the bore. So things I guess we're not suppose to know. It bugs me too that its doing this. It takes me about 1 1/2 hrs or more to get it clean. We'll see how it shoots when it's all said and done.
Bebb25 most of these people posting do not have experience with CA guns. The ejector marks and swipes are normal for CA due to very tight tolerances and very stiff spring dual ejectors. Swipes will lessen over time and as things break in, but ejector marks are just apart of CA guns with these mag bolts and dual ejectors. Like I said earlier mine took about 150 rds to start smoothing out. CALL CA and talk to them, send pictures and let them diagnose your gun. But I see nothing that I didn't have and my gun shoots .5moa Just keep shooting and cleaning. But CALL CA first for peace of mind.

So you consider increasingly heavy bolt lift and increasingly worsening ejector marks to be normal for a CA rifle?

It is clear by the info and pictures he posted that this is a progressive issue (was not having these issues at first) caused by fouling.

I understand light ejector marks from stiff ejectors and soft brass, sure, fine. Your advice is going to get somebody killed. I'd suggest you reread the thread and edit your post.
As for not shooting that rifle, only you can make that decision. But dual ejector marks are a known and common characteristic of CA rifles. I don't see cratered or flattened primers which would be a better indication of excessive pressure. The carbon ring can and should be addressed but likely has nothing to do with the ejector marks.
you don't see flattened primers???? come on……


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For the record...YES - I have read every post. ( I grin as I consider some them...). I am a hunter - long distance shooter with a terminal disability - I am left handed and left eye dominant.😁
So - most of you know that limits the number of factory rifles available to us left handers who want to shoot left handed. ( Yeah - I can shoot RH, and was trained to shoot from a fixed position with a RH rifle...).
So - I will be brief, but try to insert all the pertinent facts about my experience ( otherwise known as PURGATORY ) with with a Christensen Arms Ridgeline 6.5 PRC.

Preface: I read everything concerning Christensen. And if I had I given proper weight to the averages...I would have not bought a Christensen. But I thought..." O.K. - the guys that complain about them are likely not experienced hunters or shooters". Because I WANTED that sexy looking Christensen. Let's face it - they ARE a nice looking rifle. But, looks are only skin deep.
My experience mirrors what the OP has had. And - guys, get off the "it's a carbon ring" crap. SO WHAT? It is crappy quality control issue at Christensen. PERIOD. You can parse it down who "what you think - but I followed their instructions TO THE LETTER.
1. I followed their break in procedure TO THE T..... Shoot 3 - allow the rifle to cool ( I defined that further in detail as verity, open bolt, place vertical in a rack,with a cooling fan- barrel cooler and a digital thermometer. So I am anal retentive about KNOWING that I am giving the rifle the best opportunity to perform.
2. Then - shoot 3 - and CLEAN. thorough. copper solvent and carbon removed. Scrub, soak, scrub, swab - patch until clean. Allow to cool as above included in the process as above.
I spent MORE on factory Hornaday 143 ELD-X ammo than the rifle costs. READ THAT AGAIN.... And what I had after months of it sometimes not picking up the second round, sometimes not ejecting - and sometimes JAMMING so that it took 3 people to get the bolt to lift in order to remove a spent cartridge. Picture this: 2 guys holding the rifle - and me cursing the fact that I had to use a rubber block or rubber hammer to whack the bolt enough to get it to lift.

Was the gun accurate? Like a laser.....6 attempts at a 6" target at 860 yards - verified hits. What else would you want from a rifle - right?...
I will tell you what else you want - you want to KNOW that you can get a follow up shot if you ever need it. Otherwise - it was a sometimes functioning single shot rifle. PERIOD.
But - surprisingly, that is not the worst part of this vomitous diatribe and personal rant. The worst part is the 2nd time it went back to Christensen- and throughout the entire experience - it was a genuine PIA to actually reach anyone at Christensen. They DO NOT call back. They rarely answer the phone. So, on the 2nd time it went back, I waited, and waited - and finally called them, and was not going to be pacified with he "usual company line"...I finally got thru top Erich - the Customer Service Mangler😊....AND HERE IS THE "BOOM"....
I said - DO NOT send THAT rifle back to me again - I want a replacement - and I will even buy "up" if there is a better or more expensive model. That was met with a chuckling response of " We are not in the business of replacing rifles that we can fix under warranty. My response: "Gee....you would have thought that was possible 2 trips back to the factory ...but here we are". DON'T SEND THAT rifle back to me. I want a replacement. Answer was and I will swear on any thing you want to satisfy that I am telling the truth....HE SAID-" Clearly we can't make you happy, so we will refund you. We can sell that rifle to someone else because it is a functioning gun."
So, I know there will be some of you that choose not to believe me - that is on you to decide. But, to my grave I can swear with a clean and fully clear conscience that is the truth and what happened.
NEVER will I consider, or recommend a Christensen rifle. I will tell what happened and let others decide if they want o be a victim.
REALLY???? This was settled 10 pages back and a few times thereafter.
The whole thread was brought back up in the morning email. Most people including myself don't read all 13 pages of a thread.i started reading this morning thinking someone else just had this identical problem until I saw that it was an older thread revived