6.5 GAP 4S (SAUM) and Reloder 26


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2016
This has probably already been discussed, but wondering how many of you have tried this combination and what were the results? I'm starting to hear about a lot of people seeing H1000 accuracy (or better) with increased velocities. Would like to hear your experiences before I give it a try..........I certainly can't complain about H1000 so far!
I've used it in 2 6.5 RSAUMs, a 2506ai, and a 300wsm, very consistent with low sd and es in all three.
In the 6.5 rsaums im getting about 100 to 150 fps faster than h1000 before I hit pressure signs (I am not running them at max pressure, have the, backed off about 200fps)

H1000 I'm using 60.5gr with a 140hybrid going about 3050 fps
RL26 59gr with a 140hybrid going 3140 fps
Not 6.5 SAUM, but in a 6.5 SS, I am loving the RL26 under 150s.

58.3gr RL26 w. 150 SMK @ 3156fps from a 26" 1:8" Bartlein.
60.0gr H1000 w. 140 HVLD @ 3140fps from a 26" 1:8" Bartlein.
Thanks for the input! I was a little concerned with Reloder because of my experience with RL 33 in my 28 Nosler. While very accurate, it was the dirtiest and most temperature sensitive powder I've ever used. Seems like RL 26 is nothing like that at all.
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