Well-Known Member
*** would build a creed in a 10 twist? run, Forrest, run......
From what I calculate, the only thing you're able to stabilize with a 1:10 twist in this rifle is a short 100 grain with a ballistic tip, like the Barnes TTSX 100 grain as an example. But take even one step up to the 120 grain TTSX and you lose stability.
I'm running those numbers assuming sea level.
Well I guess out of curiosity you could check the twist, put a tight fitting patch on a cleaning rod that can freely spin, and wrap a piece of tape around the rod that comes together to make a "flag", start the rod in the barrel and with the flag in the strait up position, mark where the rod meets the rear of the reciever, push the rod forward until the flag makes a complete circle, mark the rod at the same point of the reciever again and measure between the two marks. This will be your twist rate. I'm even curious now ha ha.
Helping a friend out. Have a semi custom 6.5 creedmore with 10 twist barrel. Deer hunting rifle only my friend is in his 70's. Will not be shot over 200 yrds. He has chased a lot of rabbits trying to get this rifle to shoot. I have a factory load shooting Winchester 125 XP shooting around 2 inches on average out of a box. He is very stubborn and old school with his thought process. He wants to shoot 143 eldx but groups are 3 inches or more. I would have bought another barrel by know but he has no funds left, and I not sticking anymore $$ except reloading. Anyone have thought on where to maybe get this rifle shooting under 1 1/2 at 100.
But honestly the rate isn't going to affect accuracy that much. 2-3" groups is pretty poor accuracy in my opinion. I'd be looking for other things causing this.
I would start with the BASICS!