used the 140 ab on a mule deer last season at a little over 200. It worked well, but was too tough a bullet for that application at 2800 fps out of a 260. Deer only went 30 yds, so cannot complain, but exit hole about same as entrance on a double lung. Should be good for elk though. For deer, better off using the nosler bt in 120/ 140 or amax in 123 or 140 on lung shots. If you want to do shoulder then 140 ab is a great choice on deer. Like I said - due to the exceptional penetration of the 6.5, it really is never an issue on underpen - hard part is dumping the amount of energy in animal that you want for the shot you plan on taking. If I had that shot over, with that ab, I would have anchored it through the front shoulder.
This year, I shot my mule deer with the 260 using a 140 sst at 285 and was happy with that bullet. Two years ago( 3 seasons), I used a 129 sst on mulie and was happy, but that was a frontal shot at 45 yds that took out his cns. Used a 140 vld hunting on my bull elk this season at a hair over 200 yds and it did the drunken sailor for 100 yards - dead but did not know it. Finished it at 285 with a second vld though no real need to do so but it was getting further from the truck
I have heard great things about the vld, but think it really needs velocity to perform at potential and the 260/ creed just does not have that for those drt shots on elk. IN my opinion, the vld in 6.5 is designed more for the 264 win/6.5-06/6.5 wsm than it is for the creed or 260. Better off with a plastic tip in the 260/creed - or a partition. sst/ab/part( not a plastic tip but acts like one on front half) /aframe(ditto) for elk size. That is just my opinion - I could be wrong.
I will be using the amax next season for deer/ antelope in either 100 or 140 grn as neither is a tough animal. The 100 amax in 6.5 is not listed as a hunting bullet, but the 140 is for med game - look at the hornady book in front where they list all their bullets. Also a good ref on amax performance on game is the terminal ballistics web site.
For elk next year, I will be using a 30-06 for a little more thump. Will be loading with the 178 amax if it shoots well- 180 in sst/ part or ab if need to - all running a bit over 2800fps . Fun stuff