6.5 Creedmoor Barrel Length


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2009
South Texas
I'm building a 6.5 Creedmoor(currently waiting on barrel....Remington Varmint)..... Everyone I've talked to seems to think 26" should be the maximum length for the barrel saying not enough gain after 26" to be worth the extra length! I'll be shooting heavier bullets for long range hunting and target(1000+ yards)...... since I've never used or loaded for a Creedmoor, I'm just looking for some opinions on barrel length from you guys shooting them, before I have to finalize length with my gunsmith! Appreciate your help and replies! Thanks!
I've heard many people claim that 20 inches is enough barrel for a .308. I bring this up because the creedmoor has a similar case capacity. I would think that 26 inches would be more than adequate for the creedmoor though I don't have any hard facts to back that up. I'm kinda in the same boat as you though I haven't decided between the 260 or the 6.5 yet.
I've heard many people claim that 20 inches is enough barrel for a .308. I bring this up because the creedmoor has a similar case capacity. I would think that 26 inches would be more than adequate for the creedmoor though I don't have any hard facts to back that up. I'm kinda in the same boat as you though I haven't decided between the 260 or the 6.5 yet.

I had the same dilemma......260 or Creedmoor......I know a lot of guys that shoot both and I believe it's a toss up! Not sure what made me pick the Creedmoor but "that's my pick and I'm stickin to it"!
I have on with a 21" +brake. It's a gas gun 22" was the max the builder had listed. I was stuck on 20" but wanted max velocity so I compromised with 21". I also choose the creedmoor over the 260 because I felt it would be a better option because of magazine length restrictions.
Mine is 26" shoots great but I've read an article where a guy shortened his to 20" and had very little vilousity lost. I wish I could find that article I'd give you the link.
After reading the Sin City article a few months ago, I decided to go with 22". Getting in the 2750 ballpark through a Krieger 5r with a 136 ScenarL with IMR4350 in the 41.3-7gr range. I really don't think I compromised at all.
I hadn't dug too deep into it before when I set out to build a creed. I was hoping for ~2700+ looks like I won't have to worry getting that.
I got notice that my barrel shipped today so I'm going to go ahead and have gunsmith finish it at 26"! After reading these articles and comments, probably don't need it, but that's where I'm going to start!
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