6.5-06, or 6.5-284


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2010
Salisbury Maryland
I have been considering a 6.5 build. I have at my disposal a short action mag action, and a long action non magnum action. I was considering a 6.5-06 in a 1in 9 twist x 26 hart barrel. my intentions are to utilize the high BC 140 gr berger vld bullets and make a long range rifle for target work and beanfield work as well. On the other hand, I also thought of the 6.5-284. Or using the short actin mag, was considering a bullet that is for no good reason obsolete, the 6.5 Remington Mag. What happened to that bullet? Accuracy , and most importantlly, INHERENT accuracy are my pet peaves. Using one of those two actions, what would some of the Big Guns think would be my best choices or options? I am aware that there is a 6.5 wsm in the wssm configuration. Any thought on that one? thanks again! This is a awesome website! Incredible feedback and Sponsors. gun)Many Thanks. 7STW
I would take the LA Standard bolt face action and go with a 6.5-06AI. get yourself a 26" 1:8 twist barrel for the 140gr Berger. Should get about 3200fps with Retumbo in that setup. Use 270 WIN brass and neck it down and start shooting.
Trueblue, thanks for the shoutback. The combo that you gave was one that I've considered. It sounds as though you have experince,care to share some? If so what potential do I have. This will also be a fun gun also. So recoil will be a factor!
I have been doing a lot of reading about this very subject. I have not looked into the long actions that much as I don't have a long action to build off of. I think the 6.5-06 would be a really fun build. I was told that if you can find 25-06 once fired brass you don't even have to re-size before you reload. The 25-06 will expand to what the 6.5 will need to be seated in. I think that either the 6.5-06 or the 6.5x284 will be really hard on barrels. However, both would be really good for long range work. The 6.5x284 seems to have the edge for some reason in the target shooters world.

Another option for your long action would be the 6.5x55 Swede. It's tried and true and has been shooting things as large as moose in Europe for decades.

Now, on to your short action. Your choices are 260 Rem, or 6.5x47 Lapua. And both have won matches. The 6.5x47 Lapua, again, seems to have the blessing of target shooters. Here is a great read on 6.5 short action cartridges.

6.5mm Shootout: .260 Remington vs. 6.5x47 Lapua vs. 6.5 Creedmoor

Good luck on your build. I am waffling between the 260 Rem or the 6.5x47 Lapua. I have chosen to go short action rather than long simply because the velocities out of long action or larger cases seem to put the bullet up into the "barrel burner" category. I have heard of 6.5x284's having barrels shot out in 1000 to 1500 rounds.
I recomended the 6.5-06 AI w/ 140 BERGER @ 3100-3200 because it will have the energy to take elk size game to 7-800 yards.
Not sure if you need that. If not don't AI it. I do not have this caliber, but have run the #'s against the 264 WIN, and they are very similar. If I were reloading for this caliber, I would use 270 WIN brass and neck it down then trim to chamber length, and take advantage of the longer neck of the 270 brass.
As far as your short action you were given good choice with the 260 Rem and the 140 gr bullet. I dont think the 6.5x47 Lapua is the way you want to go with the 140's.
. I think that either the 6.5-06 or the 6.5x284 will be really hard on barrels. However, both would be really good for long range work. The 6.5x284 seems to have the edge for some reason in the target shooters world.

I have read so many times that bach in the day of the 264 win. mag, barrels were not up to the standards of today, and also, I am aware of the cleaning anf not to OVERHEAT it as well. For some reason the 6.5 has a bad rap for that and I can not figure why. On another note, the short action that I have is a MAGNUM bolt face. So that one would have to be of a mag type round. Thanks for the input.
Sorry, didn't catch that on the SA mag.
As far as a barrel burner, i have a friend that has a 6.5-06AI with 1800 rounds on it still going strong. You are going to pay for performance, no doubt about it. Personally, I dont let that be the determining factor in a caliber I chose.
It is concidered, but not given undo weighting in the dicision process.
Trueblue, Thanks again for yuor input. So far it makes sense ti go with the 6.5-06. brass and case forming is no problem, and lots of GOOD brass avail. ie;Norma, lapua, etc. What do you think about throating considerations? I don't know if the set up on the reamer is standardized or should I add additional throat to seat bullet out touch or be closer to leade! Just for kicks, what do you think of the 6.5 remington mag? Or what about a 6.5 saum?Huum!
Don't worry about the bolt face on your various actions. A good smith can work them over to the appropriate size for whatever cartridge you ultimately settle on.

Recently I started a 6.5 build. I had a short action to work with so I chose the 260rem. Part of my decision was barrel life.

Given the choice between 6.5-06 or 6.5x284, that's a tough choice. I would probably learn more towards the 06. Pushing 140grain VLDs at 3200 would be awesome!

Let me ask one question though....why 26" barrel? both the '06 and 6.5x284 would both benefit from a longer barrel. Heck, my 260 will have a 28" tube. A buddy of mine has a 6x284 with 31" tube. So unless you have some specific use that makes sense for the 26" barrel, I would encourage you to consider a longer barrel.
Don't worry about the bolt face on your various actions. A good smith can work them over to the appropriate size for whatever cartridge you ultimately settle on.

Recently I started a 6.5 build. I had a short action to work with so I chose the 260rem. Part of my decision was barrel life.

Given the choice between 6.5-06 or 6.5x284, that's a tough choice. I would probably learn more towards the 06. Pushing 140grain VLDs at 3200 would be awesome!

Let me ask one question though....why 26" barrel? both the '06 and 6.5x284 would both benefit from a longer barrel. Heck, my 260 will have a 28" tube. A buddy of mine has a 6x284 with 31" tube. So unless you have some specific use that makes sense for the 26" barrel, I would encourage you to consider a longer barrel.
I think you are on to something there. I could get a LONGER barrel, and that is a good idea. 28 does sound good for all things considered. What about throating? any thoughts? P/S, savage is putting 28 in barrels on there target rifles now.I have even heard of 30 in, barrels as well. I think 28 to 28.5 is the deal. That is some real food for thought. Thanks for the thought!Aim small. miss smallgun):D
As far as the magnum bolt head, if it is anything modern that can be easily changed. I don't know what action you are talking about but I am sure it wouldn't be too much of big deal to change it to what ever you wanted.

In regards to the "barrel burners". I am basing my opinions on comments by those who shoot competition. One guy that I personally talked to out of Colorado Springs was shooting a 4" group at a 1000 yrds with a 6.5x284 and wasn't happy with it yet. He wanted to close it up. So that caliber of shooter is going to notice a change in barrel faster than your average shooter, like myself. However, what's good for the goose is good for the gander...so to speak. If another guy who is also a competition shooter is shooting a marginally slower 6.5 like the Lapua and says that he has 4000 down a tube with no noticeable effects, then a shooter, like myself and my kids to come, will never see a degradation in the barrel.

So, the average shooter will 1) never put enough rounds through the barrel to really cause it harm and 2) will not notice the change even if he does.

As far as the 260 vs. Lapua on 140 gr bullets. Both are so close together in terms of velocity that neither has the advantage. The Lapua however, has a smaller case capacity and is capable of holding higher chamber pressures. Which translates to more efficient use of powder. Both will and have shot 142 gr bullets with good success. You just need a tighter twist like a 1:8.

All things being equal, I would rather have the 6.5x47 Lapua for the SA and 6.5-06 for the long action and the AI regains whatever is lost by not going with the 6.5x284.
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