50 cal. casings found while hunting?

I used to hunt in an area in south central NM along highway 380 and on the south side of that highway is North whitesands called the Stallion range. I used to hear very large explosions and find .50 cal. projectiles links and brass. One time when I was about 12 or 13 my Pops and I were walking along a dirt road wearing blaze orange. And we saw an F-4 phantom flying overhead circling us not very high over and flying really slow and we saluted him with upraised arms and he actually tipped wings to us than flew off it was awesome to me back than.
I'm sure it true shooting at Animals. In the Marine Corps in the early 1980's the Marines shot wild pigs & goats with Cobra Helicopter's.
HA! interesting someone else found them. that is a very common thing to find in the red desert and a couple other "wide open" spaces in wyoming. I have found tons of them over the years. I have heard the same story about antelope. I will ask my grandpa he is up on wyoming history and I am pretty sure he knows the story I just dont remember for sure.
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