50 BMG Sabots

The Sabots are not designed to shear the petals because they will affect the bullet flight as they
shear of (They won't come off at the same time/distance.

They are designed to allow the bullet to leave at some point without coming apart and normally found
in one piece. If you will notice, The Sabot extends just past the bullet ogive and as soon as the Sabot
leaves the barrel and starts to decelerate the shock wave will push it back releasing the bullet while
it is still rotating.

There are some Sabots that are in two halves and separate cleanly but they are on the larger

I tried loading some and found that if I used Molly coated bullets they released the bullet sooner
improving accuracy.

But the Sabots never shot as accurately as standard bullets.

I was just wondering that if someone were using .308 caliber sabots for 50 BMG rifles would the BC of the original .308 bullet really come into play since it rides inside the sabot until the sabot falls off ? Also if anyone has any expierence with this or is doing this what grain weight bullets are you using,bullet construction, or bullet type ?

375 Rifleman
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