5 Years In The Making....

Joel, you've quite a nice piece of history to share with us here. I think your friend feels warm and cozy looking down at your rifle build. He'd be proud and will be right there when you take it to the field.

Great work and even better story.

You bring wood to life in your work, must feel rewarding.

Looks great! What kind of checkering pattern are you going with? I have a couple cutters that were only used for a few lines and maybe thrown once!
Thanks for the accolades guys, sure appreciate it.

Looks great! What kind of checkering pattern are you going with? I have a couple cutters that were only used for a few lines and maybe thrown once!

I'm not sure about the checkering pattern yet. What I usually do is send it off to my checkering guy, and let him come up with some patterns. I'll pick one from his suggestions and give hime the green light. He's never steered me wrong.

The rifle is awsome looking! And the story only adds! But you're not done yet. There is one more picture that needs to be taken and that is one of this rifle laying on a trophy; hopefully someplace you and Phil hunted.

My plan is to go back up to Alaska next year and spend some time chasing Sheep and Grizz. I really want to bring this full circle and take an animal with it.

Joel, have you named her yet??
Anything that pretty has to have a name. What a piece of art and history. Wow. As someone who has a couple of Phil's rifles, I can somewhat feel what all this means to you.
Congrats---you should be proud.


Randy~ I've been trying to come up with a good name since I finished it, but I can't seem to pull one out of my head. Any help would be appreciated...

I forgot to add this to the original post... Phil and I would always beak each other's balls about everything. He advertised a Jewell trigger for sale here on LRH. I told him that he should send it to me so that I can put it in this new rifle. He told me to send him the $200 and he would send the trigger. I laughed and told him to keep his trigger...

I received a small box in the mail at Christmas. Phil sent me the trigger and had a note on it that said "Merry Christmas".

You got it.... that's the trigger that I put in the rifle.
I've been trying to come up with a good name since I finished it, but I can't seem to pull one out of my head. Any help would be appreciated...

I received a small box in the mail at Christmas. Phil sent me the trigger and had a note on it that said "Merry Christmas".

You got it.... that's the trigger that I put in the rifle.

Joel, the details about the trigger got me to thinking more about this friendship, and the great memories of those hunting trips together. If I may, I would like to suggest a name for this wonderful rifle that will accompany you on future hunts.

"The Companion"

Definition of COMPANION:

: one that accompanies another : comrade, associate; also : one that keeps company with another
Joel, since I am a horse guy and I think that I rifle should be named after the female gender but keeping Phil in mind.............


"The Companion" and "Filly" are both brilliant names. It'll be one of those for sure.
Need an opinion... Tempted to fire up the laser engraver and do some engraving... Would you engrave the name on the stock, barreled action, bottom metal?? Don't want it to be tacky..

Pulled the bottom metal and drew on it...yeah or nay? I'll use a classic style font, and space it evenly...


  • bottom mteal.jpg
    bottom mteal.jpg
    136.3 KB · Views: 153
I'd have to vote for the bottom metal. I've always liked engraving there & haven't thought it tacky. It's big enough to be see yet placed where it doesn't scream for attention.

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"The Companion" and "Filly" are both brilliant names. It'll be one of those for sure.
Need an opinion... Tempted to fire up the laser engraver and do some engraving... Would you engrave the name on the stock, barreled action, bottom metal?? Don't want it to be tacky..

Pulled the bottom metal and drew on it...yeah or nay? I'll use a classic style font, and space it evenly...

Joel, I'd go for the bottom metal. That would look great.

Another vote for bottom metal. As a side note when Jeff suggested name it brought a tear to my eye thinking of my best friend and hunting companion, and he is still around to bust my balls. Can we say that:D
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