So after reading all 8 pages of this I can say most people don't advise a 45 ACP for bear protection. But, isn't it better than nothing? If someone asked 45ACP or nothing I would think most people would agree with 45ACP? Or would you say forget the gun and buy a can of spray?
I'm in the same boat as the OP. Going hunting in grizz country for the first time this year. I was thinking of loading up some hard cast or copper LD penetrators 250grn 45 colt (judge) to carry. It's the largest pistol I have. I also have a 40, 357 SIG, 9mm, 380, and 22 pistols. Should I leave all of them at home and just replace with spray?
take with a grain of salt
but having a GUN is like wearing helmet, it adds confidence, even if its not a real deal maker or breaker!
a high percentage of bear charges are bluff;s too, all the more so with black bears
if you ever watch bear videos of bears challenging each other be it over food or mate, or even a female defending her cubs!
you will see how many times they BLUFF Charge each other, they will get CLOSE but NO blows will come, or will slap the ground and such!
its how they are, a fight is almost a rare thing, (minus in mating seasons or a very HUNGRY bear) most interactions are bluffs, and stand offs, trying to intimidate the other into backing down!
many will disagree, but if you talk to bear biologists that have REAL time with bears and experiences with them(same will go for bear guides!)
but the facts are bears Bluff charge, as its natural for them to do so, they don;t really want to risk injury if they don;'t have too
and its why, Bear spray works very well, it seems to alter there mind set, which is all that needs to happen many times on bears to get them to leave!
we humans already smell bad to them, add in pepper spray and well, , IMO< its why it works so well!
as in a BLUFF charge, it tends to be enough to make them change there mind as no real injury happened to them,
a BEAR that is dead SET on getting you, I doubt bear spray will work, nor will a poorly placed shot!
a lot IMO comes down to WHY the bear is charging you!
BUT a bear bluffing and getting shot at or wounded, IMO< might turn a bluff into a full on attack, all the more so if wounded from the shot! and will try and return any damage it got from what it considered a threat it tried to scare off!
just like when two males fight, after the first blow happens, the real fight begins! till them, its a lot of snarling and fakes!
so, unless your very confident in your hand gun skills under HIGH stress and have access to the gun in a FAST draw deal
bear spray might be the better tool to carry!
all the more so if your hunting in a place where grizzly bears are highly protected and fines are super high on shooting one!
I am sure few would care about a fine over saving there life, , but it is something to consider!
and odds are if your hunting, you already have a weapon on you, to use ?
not sure if your going on an archery hunt or??
but in some places when archery hunting its illegal to carry a hand gun in the OPEN<, some places allow for conceal carry, when bow hunting but not open carry, which then means a much slower draw!
where as bear spray can be out in the open
like all things, you have to know the rules and base your decisions on the whole picture!
just food for thought folks,
I have a lot of experience with bears, over the decades, never had to shoot one yet due to attacking me, and hope I never have too !
I am also friends with some of the best known bear biologist, world famous some are! , who have thousands of hours spent about bears, none of them have ever had to shoot one either that is, that was attacking them!
bear attacks are still very rare things
nothing wrong with being prepared for sure, which I gather this thread is about!