4210 yard shot ...

"It's not about repeatability, we did it with friends."

It is a feat but with enough shots most ofamous us, with enough shots could do it.

I come from a different school.


This is not to sound sarcastic so don't anyone take it that way. If you think this is great, fine. I don't.
this story will explain why I feel that way and why I am not impressed with this kind of shooting.

Several years ago I was present when a person claimed he could hit a 2000 yard target with one shot from his 257 Roberts. Being a betting man, I called that bet and raised it.

I though he was trying to run a scam on me so we came up with some rules and he began to get nervous. Once we settled on the rules he set up to make the shot. After shooting the first shot and missing (We did not even see the bullet strike) I collected my bet. after some hesitation, common sense prevailed and he paid up. After shooting half a box of ammo he still hadn't hit anything, so he gave up with a lot of mumbling.

I was hunting with a pistol at the time and he was poor mouthing it and anyone that hunted with one.

At this time I had taken several deer at a little over 500 yards with it and felt confident that I could repeat if I had to (I had zeros out to 500 yards). He just wouldn't let it go that I was hunting with a pistol and finally he challenged me to make the shot with the pistol. Not to be suckered in to a bet that I couldn't win, I changed one rule. ''The size and shape of the target'' He went for it and upped the bet feeling he would get his money back.

With all of this a friend decided to get in on the action and later told me that his instinct was to bet against me, but he knew that I must have an angle or I wouldn't have made an impossible bet.

Anyway, I set up for the shot, and had my friend hold the money (I also had my knife handy in case the braggart didn't agree that I truly hit the target. (Ha Ha).

I raised the pistol and made the shot. He kept asking what I was shooting at and when the shot broke, I said "The Earth". sure enough I hit my target beyond 2000 yards with the first shot.

The point is,That with enough shots you have a chance to hit any distance that the bullet will reach
So this type of shooting does not impress me at all. there are guys on this site that can and do make shots over 1000 yards with the first shot. THIS IMPRESSES ME

On the up side, Looks like the guys had a good time and That is also part of it, I am just not impressed. I would be very impressed if the shooter picked a 3000 yard target and hit it on the
first or second shot.

This is one of those shots that impresses me.

Just My Opinion

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