4 Elk Down!

Jun 18, 2007
NE Wyoming
About seven or eight months ago I received an invitation, from one of our church members for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
This man, through work and a long time friendship with another gentleman who owns the only elk game ranch in the state of Wyoming.
Where we were hunting at there is one high fence that encompasses 25,000 acres or approximately 39 square miles, if I have my numbers correct.
I actually saw a part of the border fence on one of the days, while hunting in the afternoon.
The two of us could shoot a management bull (very hard to find) and a cow or two cows.
My brother in Christ is in his mid 80's, and about 2 weeks before the hunt, he asked me if I would shoot his elk with my big pistol.
He again confirmed a couple days before we left that he wanted me to use my "big pistol."
I assumed it would be one elk a piece, but after we got here, as mentioned earlier, it was two a piece. I was able to take 3-cow elk, all under 200 yards, and all spot and stalk.
One prone (walking, crawling and belly scooting) and the other two were double kneeling off Bog-Gear with the PSR top.
My second cow was at 70 yards. We getting ready to try and head off another group, when 3 popped out of nowhere.
I didn't have time to switch to the 44, as it all happened to fast.


We had one morning left to look for a management bull.
One the last morning we worked hard and finally found a management bull.
He was in a group of about 10 bulls, and he was bedded down in the shade.
The wind was in our favor, and it wasn't blowing hard.
We climbed a steep ridge, crouch walked, crawling, and then to belly scooting.
We slowly topped the ridge, then had to go a bit further to get clear of the grass. Shot him bedded at under 200 yards.
He went about 40 yards or less and was down for the count.

I wanted to use my S&W RAAP 44 Magnum, but did not have the opportunity. A lot of fun with a good friend, awesome food, area, and accommodations, and have seen a lot of elk too-Great memories.
My Bayside Custom Gunworks 7mm Dakota XP does great on elk too!
Picked up the elk meat last week...Lots of good meals coming our way!
regular 8.5x11 paper.
Then, I use multiple layers of Scotch Heavy Duty Shipping tape (Poor man's laminating).
It works great.
I pick the typical elevation and temp I will be hunting. Drop chart is folded, so I have info on both sides.
If conditions have changed significantly or the distance really gets out there, I run the specifics for a solution.

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