375 Warlord reamer is unlocked

The above from Pro. Kinda expected, as he is in bind time wise...

I've been trying to get a few, half dozen or so, cases sent to so I can do powder and speed
testing. Test gun is ready. He and I had deal to redo 1000 cases to start, I sent box with about
a third of them, to get things started,he got few like 20, done before he went hunting for half a month..
But cases set 2 weeks before that. I really needed a few, which he could have sent before leaving.....

I was to sell half and he sell half, I got thousands of cases good for many shooters, When sent
to him I have almost 4 bucks each in them. If sold for say for $5.50, my half will never get me even.

This is a hell of deal, I told folks all over the net we'd have cases in few weeks and loads tested
for the right powder, and max speed. I'll keep my word somehow, if at almost 77 I don't croak.

DEAL IS OFF... I know this deal is putting him in bind, time wise,. so I will do something different. Now,..

So what is on is the ..... ''''' 375 Hubel Express'''''. ... 375 HE...

Have little different reamer specs, for base, neck length, shoulder diameter, and length

to shoulder, overall length, than the two others.

There ""WILL"" be target guns built so my good neighbor can have some extra 2 mile competition,

Reamer prints being made this weekend, will be at makers next week, and we will get rest of stuff here

to make cases, to neck down the cases. Completed cases. There is no reason for every shooter to have to

buy 800-1000 buck swage/ necking set, That just stifles the guys wanting to get into extreme long range guns.

Completed cases, so all you do is get gun built and get dies, which can be 1" X 14 like my CH4D

585HE dies. I have big BMG dies and they same exact length as my 585 dies at about 4 1/4 inches long.

If Whiddens won't make dies, I'll find another for you all , And for the seating dies here , they right now will seat

pointed bullets with loaded length of 4.5" long and if bullets are longer target ones just get seating pin that

screws in the top, that is drilled deeper, or drill seating pin deeper yourself..

What a day...Probably better this way.
So, if I understand your post, you are going to take on the project of selling already formed brass to 375 cal, based on the 375 Warlord reamer drawing, so that everyone wanting to build a 375 does not have to pay $500 for sizing dies, they can buy the brass from you?
And you basing this on the 375 Warlord?
Also, you are going to find someone to get sizing/seating dies made as well?
I might have missed it, but can someone post the coal of this round when loaded.
Well I was supposed to sell half the Warlord cases as it was.

Now I will sell 375 Hubel Express which will do same thing. Taking best
parts of a bunch of long 375 cases, it will be slightly different with bigger
shoulder, neck slightly longer,.

I'l find someone to do dies. CH4D can do them like they do my 585s,

They are way behind so I I'll try to find smaller place that can do them faster.

As for coal of loaded round with 402gr CEB it will be 5.08" long. shorter bullets

that would be shorter, Ed
Ed, I have half of that brass formed and was going to complete it this week and send it all at the same time since I was not able to make that hunting trip, you have to understand I had other projects cued before our case forming agreement was arranged and I just cannot toss aside these projects and work on a new one, that is not how it works, first come first serve, no cutting in line .... but if the "Deal is off" I'm fine with that, I'll fulfill our agreement on the brass I have and send it out to you, these things take time as it requires 9 different bushing steps to form correctly otherwise you will have the case neck collapse into the shoulder ruining the brass, I agreed to do 500 cases for you in exchange for brass and that was it ...... I never agreed to form anymore than that because that's all I would be doing for months and all other projects would suffer , I do small quantities of brass forming of wildcats on a limited basis when I find time for a bunch of guys but not interested in production line forming with some assumed deadline and need for speed, wildcats have no deadline and those who want to shoot one should be capable of making their own brass until ready formed brass becomes available, and that is something I'm working on at the moment , There is a possibility of fully formed ready to load and shoot headstamped 375 Warlord brass with no belt, more of that will be revealed in the New Year, things don't happen in "two weeks"
Just send ones you got that I sent, when they are done and

I'll send back to you for your use the same number, .

I'll put this in email also. .Ed
Ed, it appears you are cutting off your nose to spite your face. Seems like an awful rash decision to make to burn everything down (including your personal relationship with Pro) over delays on formed brass.
No I figured from what he proposed to do 1000 first. half of which I'd sell

and he sell half, then later do more, as more definitely will be needed. But he finally

says above he was only doing that much and that is all. And I understand that he

doesn't have time, not knowing until now how much time needed. And when he

don't answer back and the thread about it was stopped, and all

other hints from him and guys, I can't do that..... And then the problems

with the dies and Whidden and he saying got to have bmg dies, and

wanting everyone to get expensive swage/neck sets, that just fragments

the whole process so nothing gets done, and we can make cases in one place,

and we won't make any profit, it is a loss as it all goes to get the next barrels of cases in.

If a cartridge concept is a great concept an

is worth a **** whether called Warlord, Lethal, or 375 HE it must not be

stopped at 1000 cases, if at all possible to keep it going. Well we have much

more than that, and we here can neck them down here and keep it going

and as they sell along with 585s and other funds we throw in, they will pay for

the rest setting down under by the barrel full and get them here, to

keep increasing the numbers of guns with both calibers, and lead to

more runs of cases made....That is the goal .. Ed
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They got reamer redone to 375 HE this afternoon, , test gun chambered.

Will have reamer print off of that redone reamer.. at reamer guys next week.Ed
About reworking cases to 375, that is about all I can do anymore,

IE setting down work. that and the experimenting. Family helps

with leg work.Knees completely shot. Load testing, gun locked

to a half ton bench.

If Pro wanted to sell to me the belted Warlord

concept outright, I'd try to figure out something.

He is talking about his no belt Warlord and was getting deal to

remove belts, so maybe do a little trading so he has cases to

make decent number of no belts....Ed
I'm sorry Ed but I do not know why you went public and pulled the plug on our agreement with "Deal is off" on LRH and Facebook ...... I had no choice but to accept your revocation of our agreement , lets leave it at that, no more to worry about .....

I have no understanding where the impatience comes from, where in the gun world does two weeks ever complete a project ? each case goes through nine bushing steps, each one has to be removed and the die readjusted to prevent crushing the case neck into the shoulder, then a 10th step is needed to finalize the shoulder for proper headspace to fire cartridge in chamber without excessive headspace , 320 cases x 10 = 3200 times I have to handle the cases, not to mention the die set up initially and during bushing changes.... It's not a big deal if a guy forms 20- 100 cases for himself as needed but to provide 1000's of cases to a bunch of lazy guys is a lot of work and cannot be done in a few days ... I appreciate you relieving me of the agreement we had, now I am no longer bound by my word and since you have gone to the 375 HE I will not be forming 375 Warlord cases for you as they will not work in your chamber anyway, I will return the untouched cases to you and buy the ones I have already necked down, my apologies for this deal not working out but just to let you know I gave up a two week mt goat/deer hunting trip to attend to my promises, one of which was forming the 375 Warlord brass ...... none of that matters now I guess, you have gone with the 375 HE and I wish you luck with it, meantime I am considering locking up my 375 Warlord reamers since they are no longer relevant .....
Email Message I sent ,.....All I needed was few cases to get started while you was gone, and when you don't email to tell me
that you didn't go and was doing cases and you guys shut down the threads[FB], what am I to think about sending next batch which I have, I got a bad feeling about it to keep going.,

Like I was forcing myself on you guys.... Couple things got to do on there and I'll be leaving FB in few.

The cases you have formed would fireform to my chamber as I said before I would anneal, and fireform....On my chamber reamer, shoulder little bigger diameter , neck little longer, reamer no belt on it, I have other shorty belt reamer to put belt where needed, so cases you worked will fireform. So if you want to sell some to me I'll buy.........
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