.375 H & H vs. .458 Lott

If you just have to have a huge bore rifle with tons of recoil.....Why not just go with a .375 or .408 Cheytac and be done with it. :cool:

If you want something that produces so much force, shock, and velocity when it passes through, that it sucks their head clean out of their ***, why not go for the gold...... .50 BMG with a 750gr A-Max. :D

I already have a couple of rifles with decent recoil. BA 110 .338 Lapua Magnum
and a .45/70 which I shoot 500gr rounds.

This isn't just about having a "huge bore" rifle but a good hunting rifle for large/dangerous game. Dragging a .408 CheyTac or a .50 thru the woods is not really not a good choice. At least for me.
How is the .416 remington (or anything) a good start? The thread starter has not even specified what he will be hunting.

well the average .375 thru .458 is not what most would call a target grade round. Yet there a few folks that just like shooting big bores for the fun of it. You don't think about buying a .458 Lott without thinking about hunting. That's what it was designed for.
I already have a couple of rifles with decent recoil. BA 110 .338 Lapua Magnum
and a .45/70 which I shoot 500gr rounds.

This isn't just about having a "huge bore" rifle but a good hunting rifle for large/dangerous game. Dragging a .408 CheyTac or a .50 thru the woods is not really not a good choice. At least for me.

I know why you want it man....I'm just messing with you. Note the :D at the end of the posts.

Trust me I want a .50 BMG just to have one to shoot down power line areas that are open for miles, and ultra long range steel targets. Might sound cruel, but I think some 2,500 yard coyote hunting would be kinda fun. LOL
i have a 458 lott and let me tell you itwill giveyou a nose bleed in about 5 shots without hitting you nose. i did some trading for it with the intent of letting other people shoot it just to get the reaction and let me tell you it is good.
as far as hunting with it i probably would if i needed to but thats why i have other rifles to choose from.
Though posted several years ago, I am going to give my response to this question anyway. I had the same dilemma a long time ago and in the end decide to purchase both the 458 Lott and the 375 H&H. It has been an interesting journey. With regard to the 458, it was an evolution of sorts. Initially, back in the early 90s, I bought a 458 Win mag, sold it, bought a 458 Lott, sold it and regretted selling it and eventually bought another 458 Lott - this time to keep and never sell again!
Regarding the 375 H&H, purchased it and never looked back.
Both rifles are amazing to shoot. I've harvested a couple of bison with the 458 and elk with the 375. As the others have said, the 458 kicks like a mule but it's such a cool gun! To minimize the jolt, I wear a padded shooting vest and have a Limb Saver butt pad on it - makes shooting my cannon quite manageable.
The 375 is a Browning A-Bolt and is equipped with the Boss system. Frankly, it kicks less than my 30-06. And speaking of the 30-06, I did get an opportunity to hunt Africa and was excited to bring my Lott and H&H with me. The guide told me to leave both guns home and bring only the 30-06. I ended up harvesting several big game trophies, all one shot kills!
Nevertheless, I have that 458 Lott sitting in my gun cabinet just waiting - as a reminder that I WILL take it to Africa eventually and get me a Cape buffalo!
Went on a big game safari in 2013. When getting ready i fired 100 rounds of not so wimpy reloads from a Ruger #1 in .458 Win Mag. That rifle hunt to fire! It felt like I suffered a case of whiplash after every range session. Went to Cabela's and bought a used Sako in .375 H&H. I was able to fire it without the same discomfort with stout 300 grain Hornady bullets. Killed a Lioness and Buffalo on that trip:


My suggestion is that you try any big bore rifle BEFORE you buy. There is a significant difference in recoil. A PH wants his client to shoot accurately the first shot to the last. You can't do that if the rifle beats you to death.

Good luck

This resurrected thread has me wondering what the OP purchased? I would have went with the 375 based on it's overall usefulness in the field. I have a 375 Ruger, and find it to be not unpleasant to shoot, and very accurate. Myself, I have recently re-discovered the 30-06, an overwhelmingly versatile and useful cartridge.
Hi Guys,

I had forgotten about this thread. Thank you all for your insight and recommendations.

I went with the CZ-USA .375 H & H.
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