375 H&H for long range

SwampLord; what was your barrel length??.

I was shooting my 9.3×64 yesterday and I'm real satisfied with it for my medium bore hunting rifle. But for a true long range heavy hitter I myself would bypass all the 33 cals and go to the 375 . Being able to put a 375 dia. bullet onto the target at 400 y/m with 2500 fps impact velocity would be my goal. . Necked up 338 Lapua brass might do it. Maybe. .
4k ft lbs impact energy is my personal cut off for shootin brown bear. And not with a 30 cal bullet. Now that good bullets are being made for it. The 375 can be a totally viable long range caliber.
Sorry for the double post, was trying to edit the typo on velocity listed at 2950 fps to 2750 fps

the 2950 fps average was for 300 gr AFrame and Accubond bullets, 2750 fps was with the 320 gr Cutting Edge MTH bullets,

also to clarify : This was with my wildcat the 375 PRO with a 27" bbl, not with 375 H&H or Ruger, although the starting loads were of similar velocity those two cartridges generate,

the Cutting Edge website shows a 12 twist bbl as minimum for the 320 gr MTH, maybe my barrel just prefers higher velocities
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