Made it to range today. Zero is 1150 (leaves me 5 MOA below zero) Got rounds on steel at 1150, 1250, and 1450, wind got to be a bitch by the time I got out to 1550, and lobbed a couple at 2100 but ran out of rounds by the time I saw splash on the far target. I was bracketing IPSC target at 1550, so I think my elevation was good there, just need to get out there earlier before the wind picks up to get Dope.
Shooting position
Target area, elk at 1150 yards
impacts at 1150, one zeroing shot and 4 follow-ups
Impact at 1250, holding right "edge of target" Whackima!
Impacts at 1450 yards
1150 yard zero
1250 yards 3 MOA
1450 yards 10.75 MOA
1550 yards 14.75 MOA? need to confirm
86 degrees F (nice to live in Vegas this time a year)
25.87 in Hg BP
3970' Elevation
6000 D.A.
8.6% humidity
Shooting position
Target area, elk at 1150 yards
impacts at 1150, one zeroing shot and 4 follow-ups
Impact at 1250, holding right "edge of target" Whackima!
Impacts at 1450 yards
1150 yard zero
1250 yards 3 MOA
1450 yards 10.75 MOA
1550 yards 14.75 MOA? need to confirm
86 degrees F (nice to live in Vegas this time a year)
25.87 in Hg BP
3970' Elevation
6000 D.A.
8.6% humidity