.375/.338 Lapua Magnum Improved - Load Data

Found this is the one I may go with and then throat to my needs. Hope this helps. 375x338LI40D.jpg
I am updating this post with the pictures since Photobucket is no longer allowing them to be viewed.

After a hiatus I plan on picking this project back up again. In the process of hydroforming brass after neck expanding... not so good results. The die only was able to form it about 50%. Just annealed the brass again in hopes of better results for the hydroforming.


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My reamer with 35 degree shoulder and another with 40 degree shoulder.


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  • 375-338 Lapua 40Degree Shoulder.jpg
    375-338 Lapua 40Degree Shoulder.jpg
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Looking at the burn rate chart, and the powders that have performed the best so far, I am led to think the faster powders appear to work the best. Only further testing will tell...


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I'm tagging in on this. I just picked up a switch lug and I have a 338 Lapua AI barrel for it and a 300 Norma. I was considering purchasing a 300 win bolt so I could get a H&H barrel spun up but then I thought since I've got a bunch of 338 lapua brass anyway why not go this route. I bet this rig would be perfect for Cape buffalo or Bear. Plenty of horsepower to drive a 350gr soft or solid, not to mention being able to run the SMK and such for longer range hunting applications. Elk, plains game. My rifle is a lone peak fusion ti. Running badger dbm CIP length. Manners EH1. Do any of.you guys that run these see anything there that wouldn't be compatible with this cartridge?
Hydro forming is a waste of time- measure you case capacity before and after and you will see why.
Kind of a broad statement there.

I have, and do use hydroforming for other calibers with excellent results. I am only having trouble with this case. I suspect the combination of thicker brass and large case capacity are reducing the effectiveness.

In the other cases (6.5 SLR Improved, and 284 Shehane) I am getting virtually identical H20 capacity between hydroformed and fire formed cases.
Kind of a broad statement there.

I have, and do use hydroforming for other calibers with excellent results. I am only having trouble with this case. I suspect the combination of thicker brass and large case capacity are reducing the effectiveness.

In the other cases (6.5 SLR Improved, and 284 Shehane) I am getting virtually identical H20 capacity between hydroformed and fire formed cases.
Fair; I used it in 338 Lapua to 338 Lapua AI and gained nothing.

On another note I am building a 375 Lapua improved; plan on shooting 350 SMK / 411 HH / 300 TTSX. 26 in barrel. Have you done any more testing? Any tips of guidance? I plan on using a 40* shoulder, rifle with scope will be right around 11 pounds. Defiance Anti action, etc.
Bringing this one from the dead again. I was thinking of this to take to Africa. Any updates from you all?
What are you hunting and where? When I went 270 was the preferred plains game round with 300wm for kudu and gemsbuck oryx. Ammo is expensive there so the guides love the additional tip of my leftover rounds.