With elk I have seen several brought down by 338. If wounded they seem to leave a better blood trail. Smaller rifle calibers don't open up as big a wound channel. Just enough bigger to do the job for whatever reason. The elks hair seem to plug up the hole and cut down on the blood trail. Not my elk, but others I have track all day only to loose them in the fall leaves in late afternoon or early evening. I hate losing animals even if they are not mine to start with. I try to make sure that I have a good shot and rested. I hate standing shots,and have seen more misses than hits by others. So the 338 Win Mag has become my go to rifle for big game. I am having another 338 being built with a 26" barrel and a brake. It will be interesting to see what I can get in velocity out of it. I getting 3230 out of my 338 presently, and almost the same hole at 100 yds. I like 26" barrel and hoping to get that velocity but with H4350 powder. My late friend and I couldn't get to what we could with 760 powder in his 24" barrel, weather effects the 760 more that the H4350.