.338 EDGE or .338 RUM


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2009
Sutton Alaska
I can finally afford to build a .338 custom Rifle,personally dont see myself shooting farther then 1200 yards,I have a shop in Anchorage that will build whatever I want,just cant decide which one to go with.

700 action/ 28" barrel / HS precision stock/ 12-14lbs

Got $4,000.00 to use for the rifle
If you have $4k for a budget, drop the Rem 700, order in a Borden Timberline Magnum receiver, McMillan stock and any one of many top end barrels.

In the end, the Borden is a world class barrel, especially for the RUM or Edge class of chamberings and not much more then a Rem 700 once you get a Rem fully trued and ready to build on. I suspect if your wanting to spend up to $4K for the rifle, you will have the Rem 700 fully tuned and accurized for the build. Your money would be better spent with a full custom Borden receiver, hands down.

As for the chambering, either will get well past 1200 yards. Both are very accurate, the Edge will get you another 100 fps over the standard RUM. In a 28" barrel length, the Edge will get you around 2800 fps, the RUM around 2700 fps.

The Edge is worth it as its very easy to load for, just as easy as the 338 RUM but a boost in performance.

I will say this also, the 338 RUM brass, being the odd ball of the RUM family will likely go the way of the DOO-DOO bird in not to many years so if you plan on using this rifle for many years, an Edge will be a better choice as there will always be 300 RUM brass available to us.

Again, if your going to invest upto $4K, do it right and get the best bang for your buck, go with a custom receiver and you will never be unhappy with your decision.
If you do decide on something like the Lapua or norma, I would recommend my Raptor receiver and you could still get in for $4000.

Remember this though, the Norma is roughly the same performance as the 338 RUM. The Lapua is basically identical to the 338 Edge.
Shawn just posted his 2010 Mule Deer story and mentioned something about (yes it was a +P) whatever that is. He was pushing the 300 SMK over 2900 out of his Edge Mountain Rifle.

Hmmmmm, will have to wait till later as he stated......to learn what +P means.
believe the +p is simply his special throat design, similiar to my hybrid throat which flattens the pressure spike on ignition and allows more powder to be used and thus higher velocity.

In my testing however, there is a cost for the extra performance, throat life is lessoned with these throat designs but you do get more performance. My 338 AX has been getting near 3100 fps but in my opinion, the extra 100 fps is not really worth it for the shorter barrel life. My testing only, not speaking for Shawn and his design.
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