txlongrange, I will sale you some cheap. I don't want to burst your bubble and hope you have great success with them. Here is my story with them. Like you I saw that high BC and went nuts over them. Ordered 4 boxes cause I got about 15 big 338's I like to shoot. I have built a lot of guns and believe me the ones I keep will shoot. I tried them in guns that will shoot anything good and some exceptional. The new 250 hornady is the worst shooting bullet I have ever shot, right there with the old barnes x before they cut the 3 cute little grooves in them and called them triple shock. I shot them in rifles that will shoot most anything into 2-4 inch groups at a quarter mile and they went to 9" groups. I tried seating depths, different powders, etc. Just couldn't get them to shoot. I have had great success with hornady bullets for 40 years but these didn't work out. I have some A-max and SST loads in other calibers that shoot great. Matter of fact I have some great loads with the 225 SST in some 338 rifles. Maybe I just got a terrible batch of them. If anyone has had any success with them I would like to know. I thought about sending these things back to hornady for a refund and see if they could figure it out.
I have shot the 225 AB's and they shoot very well. With that high BC in a light per caliber bullet I expect it to do very well. I have not done much work with the 250 AB's but the groups I have shot with them were very good. With the minimal BC difference the 225 AB seems to make more sense so I really tested that one and stopped with the 250.