
Gray R

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2013
Hey guys my local smith said he isn't set up to chamber a 30x284 barrel so I was wondering if anyone had had one made and could recommend someone just to short chamber the barrel. Thanks in advance
Hey guys my local smith said he isn't set up to chamber a 30x284 barrel so I was wondering if anyone had had one made and could recommend someone just to short chamber the barrel. Thanks in advance

Any smith should be able to chamber your rifle If you have the reamer and headspace gauge.

If you don't, order it from Manson or have the smith of your choice order it for you.

If you want something different you may also need to generate a reamer drawing for Manson
to grind from.

If you've just got to have that 'wildcat' chambering you've decided is best (not just this one) you should expect to buy/pay for the reamer. Take any job, that'll require 'special' tooling, to a machine shop. You will pay for that 'special' tooling in the price of the job. Gunsmithing tasks are no less.
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